Tag Archives: GA0037974

Hahira wastewater treatment plant permit reissuance request NPDES GA0037974 2024-10-16

Last October, after a public comment period that apparently had few if any comments, GA-EPD reissued Hahira’s wastewater permit, with eight major changes, all tightening or updating effluent limits.

[Collage Hahira wastewater treatment plant permit reissuance request NPDES GA0037974 2025-10-16]
Collage Hahira wastewater treatment plant permit reissuance request NPDES GA0037974 2025-10-16

The re-issued permit is on the WWALS website.

Please Note The Following Changes to the Proposed NPDES Permit From The Existing Permit:

Part I.B — Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements — Stream Discharge:

  • Decreased the monthly average biochemical oxygen Demand (BODs) limit from 30 mg/L to 20 mg/L to be protective of the instream Water Quality standards (WQS) for Dissolved Oxygen (DO).
  • Decreased the monthly average ammonia limit from 10 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L to be protective of the instream WQS for DO and address toxicity impairment.
  • Added a daily minimum dissolved oxygen limit of 5.0 mg/L to be protective of the instream WQS for DO.
  • Added monthly total nitrogen (TN) limit of 20 mg/L to meet Florida’s instream nutrient criteria at the State line.
  • Added total phosphorus (TP) limit of 3.6 mg/L to meet Florida’s instream nutrient criteria at the state line
  • Replaced monthly average fecal coliform effluent limit of 200 counts/100 mL with monthly average Escherichia coli (E. coli) of 126 counts/100 mL to reflect the recently approved bacterial indicator for freshwater. The proposed limit is in accordance with EPD’s Bacteria Equivalency Strategy for Using the Optimal Indicator Organisms for WQS and NPDES Permitting, 2022.
  • Converted mass loading limits from kg/day to lbs/day to be consistent with other NPDES permits in Georgia.
  • Added effluent data monitoring testing requirements for future permit renewal.

The settling ponds are at 598 Hall St, Hahira, GA 31632.

What the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA-EPD) calls the “unnamed tributary to Franks Creek”, we call Hahira LAS Pond Branch on the WWALS map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail. Continue reading

Vickers Branch and Hahira LAS 2020-05-11

How is the mysterious Vickers Branch south of Hahira related to the Hahira Land Application Site? What is that creek the rest of that LAS is on? And what does all this have to do with Lowndes County’s new IMPAIRED WATERS MONITORING AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN? Why do we care about all this for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail?

About six weeks ago, the bridge on Old US 41 North just south of Hahira broke and Lowndes County fixed it. Revealing that nobody knew a name for it. Except Phillip Williams, who says, “Some maps show it as Vickers Branch. The Vickers family were the ones who owned most of the land in the area back in the 1800s.”

[Map: Vickers Branch, Hahira LAS]
Map: Vickers Branch, Hahira LAS
in the WWALS map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT).

The Vickers Branch Bridge marker south of Hahira looks slightly too far south, but it’s where google street view and aerials show the bridge. It seems that the USGS stream trace I used in this map is not quite right.

[Photo: Lowndes EMA, of broken Vickers Branch Bridge]
Photo: Lowndes EMA, of broken Vickers Branch Bridge

Upstream of that Vickers Branch US 41 bridge, several branches or runs that drain quite an area. I have named them after Continue reading