Tag Archives: Hurricane Debby

Pictures: Red Roberts Little River Upstream Chainsaw Cleanup 2024-09-21

That was a very productive chainsaw cleanup, even though we didn’t even get three miles up the Little River from Red Roberts Landing.

[Many deadfalls, Little River Chainsaw Cleanup, Red Roberts Landing 2024-09-21 Darlene Ray, Paris & Tommy Stoeffler, Tish Hall, Lon Kemeness, John S. Quarterman]
Many deadfalls, Little River Chainsaw Cleanup, Red Roberts Landing 2024-09-21 Darlene Ray, Paris & Tommy Stoeffler, Tish Hall, Lon Kemeness, John S. Quarterman

Here are some video snippets:

It was a nice day down on Rountree Road. Continue reading

WWALS Boats 2024-09-30

In case you’ve wondered where the WWALS jon boat sleeps between chainsaw cleanups, it has a nice nest in some woods with a boat cover.

So does the raffle kayak.

[WWALS Jon Boat with Hurricane Helene debris]
WWALS Jon Boat with Hurricane Helene debris

It got a few small pine limbs on it from Hurricane Helene.

Those are gone now, and there is no damage.

[Visible WWALS Jon Boat]
Visible WWALS Jon Boat

The prop guard got broken two outings back. I have ordered two more: one to go on, and one for a spare.

The tarps blew off the boat rack, but the kayaks and canoes are undamaged.

[Kayaks and Canoes; Raffle kayak is top center; Canoe also belongs to WWALS]
Kayaks and Canoes; Raffle kayak is top center; Canoe also belongs to WWALS

The raffle Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak is top center. One of three WWALS canoes is bottom center; the other two are under steel roofs. My kayak is on the left. Gretchen’s kayaks are on the right.

On the TODO list is to build a better boat rack. We already have the steel roof for it, courtesy of a roofing job after Hurricane Debby.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!

Pictures: Jon boat Withlacoochee River Chainsaw Cleanup, Langdale Park Boat Ramp 2024-08-25

I think that’s eight big deadfalls and some littler stuff that we sawed, downstream on the Withlacoochee River Langdale Park Chainsaw Cleanup. Hurricane Debby and other storms left quite a bit of debris.

[Downstream Chainsaw Cleanup, Langdale Park 2024-08-25, 2 jon boats and a canoe, Withlacoochee River]
Downstream Chainsaw Cleanup, Langdale Park 2024-08-25, 2 jon boats and a canoe, Withlacoochee River

We had Phil Royce’s jon boat with 3.5 hp outboard, the WWALS jon boat with 9.9 hp outboard, and TJ Johnson in a canoe.

I think there were four or five chainsaws among us, including the 24-inch Husqvarna 460 that the Wild Green Future Grant paid for, along with the 9.9 hp outboard. Plus TJ’s handsaw.

Here are some video snippets:

So you want to know: after all this sawing, can you paddle from Langdale Park to Sugar Creek? Continue reading

Upstream deadfalls, Langdale Park, Withlacoochee River, Chainsaw Cleanup 2024-08-25

Update 2024-08-27: Pictures: Jon boat Withlacoochee River Chainsaw Cleanup, Langdale Park Boat Ramp 2024-08-25.

I thought we’d just skate up under the US 41 bridge to where Stillhouse Branch comes out of Valdosta Country Club, to see if there was a logjam or trash there.

But only a little more than halfway up Langdale Park to the bridge, we found a huge oak deadfall.

Sawing passage through that took a while. And then we could see an even bigger oak and pine deadfall.

[Upstream deadfalls, Langdale Park 2024-08-25, Withlacoochee River, Chainsaw Cleanup]
Upstream deadfalls, Langdale Park 2024-08-25, Withlacoochee River, Chainsaw Cleanup

Here are a few videos:

So we turned downstream towards our primary chainsaw cleanup goal of clearing downstream passage.

We being Phil Royce and TJ Johnson from Live Oak, Florida, and Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman.

Thanks to Wild Green Future for the generous grant that paid for the Husqvarna 460 24-inch chainsaw and the 9.9hp outboard motor, as well as the tires on the boat trailer. Continue reading

Chainsawing deadfall from Langdale Park Boat Ramp entrance Road 2024-08-25

Update 2024-08-25: Upstream deadfalls, Langdale Park, Withlacoochee River, Chainsaw Cleanup 2024-08-25.

This deadfall had been there since Hurricane Debby, 20 days before.

It was in our way to Langdale Park Boat Ramp, and we had chainsaws for the Langdale Park Boat Ramp jon boat chainsaw outing, so we removed this deadfall.

[Chainsawing deadfall, Langdale Park Boat Ramp 2024-08-25, Withlacoochee River, Valdosta, GA, Chainsaws from Live Oak, FL]
Chainsawing deadfall, Langdale Park Boat Ramp 2024-08-25, Withlacoochee River, Valdosta, GA, Chainsaws from Live Oak, FL

We being Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman and two people from Live Oak, Florida: Phil Royce and TJ Johnson.

Do we get paid for this, Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority?

Thanks to Wild Green Future for generous grant that paid for the Husqvarna 460 24-inch chainsaw I used to make the main cuts.


Continue reading

Water still high at Troupville Boat Ramp, Sugar Creek, Langdale Park, Withlacoochee River 2024-08-13

Putting in at Troupville Boat Ramp on the Little River would be no problem, kayak or power boat.

But the Withlacoochee River upstream from the Little River Confluence is still a tad high, a week after Hurricane Debby. Langdale Park Boat Ramp is completely underwater, as is much of its access road.

The Suwannee and Santa Fe Rivers remain mostly in flood. The Alapaha River has come back down.

[Troupville & Langdale Park Boat Ramps 2024-08-13, Still high, Little and Withlacoochee Rivers]
Troupville & Langdale Park Boat Ramps 2024-08-13, Still high, Little and Withlacoochee Rivers

The closest I could get by land to the Little River Confluence was more than a hundred feet away, at the fourth place the river was across the woods access road. Continue reading

Two Quitman sewage spills: size and location not yet known 2024-08-05

Credit to Quitman Utilities for reporting quickly that they had spills.

[Two sewage spills, Quitman, GA 2024-08-05, Unknown locations, Unknown amounts]
Two sewage spills, Quitman, GA 2024-08-05, Unknown locations, Unknown amounts

The two spills showed up today in the daily GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report. That’s way faster than Quitman’s typical at least a week late. Continue reading

Hurricane Debby State of Emergency in Florida and Georgia 2024-08-03

Hurricane Debby has made landfall near Steinhatchee, following the same path as Hurricane Idalia, right up the Suwannee River Basin. Fortunately, Debby is only a Category 1, but that’s plenty. Wind, rain, and flooding are happening.

In case you haven’t heard from your local emergency management agency, stay inside if you can, and I hope you already stocked up. The power is out where I am, and maybe where you are. Best to stay out of the way of the line crews.

[State of Emergency, Georgia & Florida 2024-08-03, Hurricane Debby, Wind, Rain, Flooding]
State of Emergency, Georgia & Florida 2024-08-03, Hurricane Debby, Wind, Rain, Flooding

On Thursday, Florida declared a state of emergency (SOE), when Debby didn’t have a name and was merely a “tropical wave”. That SOE includes all the Florida counties of the Suwannee River Basin. Many of the same counties have mandatory evacuation orders, and some have voluntary evacuation orders.

Yesterday, Georgia declared a SOE, for all 159 counties. Continue reading