Tag Archives: kayak

Raffle Kayak Delivered 2020-07-15

On Sunday, July 12, 2020, at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, Shelby Miller, until that day the newest WWALS Board member (now two more are newer), shook up the box of raffle tickets and, without looking, selected the winner: Dan Bowland, of Valdosta, GA! Shelby called Dan during that zoom meeting, and he was quite surprised.


The following Wednesday, Bobby McKenzie, no longer a Board member but still the Chair of the WWALS Outings Committee, delivered the raffle kayak to Dan. Dan seemed pretty happy that one of the five raffle tickets he got was picked as the winner.

[Dan Bowland]
Dan Bowland

Soon we will raffle off an identical Emotion Stealth 11 Sit-On-Top Kayak with Carlisle Paddle, $600.00 value. How can we do that? Well, we bought two at once to get a discount so we could. That was Bobby McKenzie’s idea.

Every raffle ticket not only gets you a chance to win a kayak, it also helps WWALS advocacy, education, programs, and events. So, thanks, Dan Bowland, for supporting WWALS!

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Columbia County, FL, Parks Ordinance, No. 2020-08, 2020-06-18

Columbia County Attorney Joel Foreman sent a copy of this ordinance (see PDF) within minutes of being asked, along with this explanation:

Attached is the version of the Ordinance that was signed. The amendment was made at adoption to 78-3(B), adding that the Board would approve any supplemental rules by resolution.

Columbia County, FL BOCC Special Called Meeting 2020-06-18

Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson posted the below explanation on facebook (reposted here with permission): Continue reading

Rum Island absorbed within Columbia County Park Ordinance: BOCC vote 2020-06-18

Update 2020-07-03: As amended and passed, Columbia County, FL, Parks Ordinance, No. 2020-08, 2020-06-18.

Tomorrow, Thursday, June 18, new rules for Rum Island Park will be voted on by the Columbia County BOCC. This park with its public boat ramp is a popular access to the Santa Fe River and its springs.

[Cover Sheet]
Cover Sheet

At the previous meeting in which they scheduled this meeting, Columbia County Commissioners were heard complaining about kayak and canoe outfitters being some sort of problem.

June 4, 2020, Columbia, County, FL, BOCC Regular Session video

The greatly expanded definitions in the ordinance add permits, with a limit of a total of four permits for “regular commercial uses of parks or recreational facilities”. It’s not clear what “uses” means. Does that include dropping off customers at a public boat ramp? Parking outfitter vehicles? Other?

Presumably issuing permits for fees will affect later budgets. Note that the agenda sheet only says “This item has no effect on the current budget.”

You can comment if you attend, or you can send email beforehand; see below.

WWALS has no official position, although we will send a letter asking the BOCC to be sure such permits don’t interfere with Sec. 78-6(C):

“(C) Boats, including human-powered craft and boats of common horsepower motors, shall be allowed.”

So far as I know, Our Santa Fe River (OSFR) also has no official position.

When: 5:30 PM, Thursday, June 18, 2020

Where: Columbia County School Board Administrative Complex Auditorium, 372 West Duval Street, Lake City, Florida 32055

What: Special called meeting of the Columbia County Board of County Commissioners

Purpose: To adopt a Rum Island Park Ordinance within a broad Columbia County Park Ordinance that includes all of the recreational holdings of the county.

To comment: Attend in person. Or send email to:
To: Board Secretary Penny Stanley <penny_stanley@columbiacountyfla.com>
Cc: County Attorney Joel Foreman <jforeman@columbiacountyfla.com>
Subject: Columbia County BOCC Park Ordinance

Thanks to Continue reading

Video of facebook livestream from Banks Lake 2020-04-09

Shelby Miller did facebook livestream from Banks Lake last night.

[Bobby staying dry]
Bobby staying dry

In this still, you can see Bobby McKenzie in the raffle kayak, Continue reading

Livestream: Banks Lake Full Pink Moon Paddle, 2020-04-08

Shelby Miller will go live on the facebook event at 7:15 PM tonight. She’ll be streaming for an hour through sunset at 7:51 PM. She will have to miss moonrise in order to be out well before the 9PM Lanier County curfew.

[Sunset spire (MM)]
Photo: Monica McKenzie, Sunset spire (MM), Banks Lake, 2020-02-09.

Bobby McKenzie will be on Banks Lake with Shelby, paddling the raffle kayak, and also taking video for later publication. Continue reading

Kayak Raffle Emotion Stealth 11 with paddle 2020-07-12

Kayak raffle tickets available!


Tickets: Get tickets anytime, online, or at a WWALS festival booth.
Suggested Donation $5.00 for one ticket; $20.00 for five tickets

Kayak Raffle Tickets

Drawing: July 12, 2020; you do not have to be present to win.

What: Emotion Stealth 11 Sit-On-Top Kayak with Carlisle Paddle, $600.00 value

Why: Support WWALS Advocacy and projects, including outings and water trails.
And you could always use another kayak.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Rhonda Kelly with the WWALS raffle kayak she won 2019-12-10

After she called the WWALS kayak raffle winner, Rhonda Kelly, from Griffis Fish Camp on the Suwannee River, WWALS E.D. Gretchen Quarterman delivered the kayak to Rhonda’s place of business in Valdosta.

[Rhonda Kelly with the kayak she won in the WWALS raffle]
Rhonda Kelly with the kayak she won in the WWALS raffle

It’s a Perception Swifty Deluxe 95 Angler Sit Inside Kayak. Thanks again to Eileen Box for donating the kayak for the raffle.

We hope to see Rhonda on upcoming paddles. Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser. Your contribution makes a difference for our programs and advocacy.

So, anybody got a kayak to donate for the next raffle?

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Kayak raffle drawing at Griffis Fish Camp, Suwannee River 2019-12-07

Update 2020-01-01: Gretchen delivered the kayak three days later.

Outings Committee member Shelby Miller, who had not gotten a WWALS kayak raffle ticket, ran to draw the winner as WWALS Board members Dan Phillips and Bobby McKenzie cooked and watched.

[Shelby Miller to draw]
Shelby Miller to draw

WWALS Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman took tickets from envelopes from various festivals and other events and put them all in a box. Continue reading

WWALS at Brooks County Skillet Festival 2019-10-19

Get some fresh-fried food at the Skillet Festival, and come by the WWALS booth, in Quitman, Georgia, this Saturday. Yes, we will have the raffle kayak. And what will NextEra be up to this year?

When: 9AM-3:30 PM, Saturday, October 19, 2019

Where: Brooks County Courthouse, 100 Screven Street, Quitman, Georgia 31643

What: Brooks County Skillet Festival, quilts, cooking, vegetable market, fashion, dogs, clogging, skillet toss, race, and parade

Volunteer: You can help at the WWALS booth. Sign up on this form or send us email.

Event: facebook

Busy all day, WWALS booth
WWALS at the Skillet Festival in 2018.

Continue reading

Pictures: Brooks County Skillet Festival 2018-10-20

At the 2018 Skillet Festival in Quitman, Brooks County, Georgia, the froggy toss game was quite popular.

Froggy toss was very popular, WWALS booth

We had a fine time at the WWALS booth. Continue reading