Tag Archives: NODAPL

#NoDAPL #NoSabalTrail @ Suwannee River State Park 2016-09-13

Update 2016-12-09: Here are directions to Suwannee River Campsites at 30.414, -83.159167. Facing the boat ramp, up to your right you’ll see a trail head. Follow the trail into the woods along the river bank. The river bends left, then right. Shortly after the right bend is the crossing, at 30.407379, -83.156494. Sabal Trail has marked its path in the woods; stay off of their easement but follow it until you come to a field where you should be able to see the HDD site. Send back lots of pictures. For maps and aerial pictures, see Sabal Trail maps digitized. Much more information here. And you may want to ask the CEO of college-savings mutual fund Virginia529 why her company is the biggest mutual fund stockholder in the stranded investment of Spectra Energy.

Yes, Sabal Trail wants to cross the Suwannee River IN Suwannee River State Park.

How many pipelines do we want? Continue reading

Protect Withlacoochee River from Sabal Trail @ US 84 2016-09-17

Update 2016-09-23: Sabal Trail protests continue, Valdosta Daily Times, 2016-09-23.

Update 2016-09-17: James Bell with WWALS at Withlacoochee US 84 bridge.

Update 2016-09-16: James Bell of the family being bulldozed right now by Sabal Trail will be at the US 84 Withlacoochee bridge with us 9AM Saturday morning.

Get in the picture on the bridge with boats at the proposed pipeline crossing in the background, on US 84 over the Withlacoochee River, half way between Quitman and Valdosta, GA. You, and the news media, too, are invited this Saturday 9AM! You may have seen Tuesday’s Suwannee River action on WCTV; you can come join us at the Withlacoochee River Saturday. No Dakota Access Pipeline #NoDAPL, No Sabal Trail #NoSabalTrail, #WaterIsLife.

#NoDAPL #NoSabalTrail Withlacoochee River @ US 84

Help demand the Army Corps re-evaluate its permit for Sabal Trail just like its permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Both pipelines should be canceled: keep it in the ground!

This WWALS Outing is part of the Continue reading

Protest Sabal Trail at Suwannee River Crossing 2016-09-13

Update 2016-09-24: Video from the river and pictures from the bluff.

You are invited to protest Sabal Trail and the Dakota Access Pipeline this Tuesday 5:30 PM! News media are invited. Walk with signs along the bluff to the proposed Sabal Trail Suwannee River HDD crossing, or paddle downstream and back.

Gathering at Sabal Trail proposed pipeline crossing 30.4071464, -83.1569366 We aim to get pictures and video of people on the bluff, beach, and river at the same time demanding the Army Corps re-evaluate its permit for Sabal Trail just like its permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Both pipelines should be canceled: keep it in the ground!

This WWALS Outing is part of the #NoDAPL Day of Action — Tuesday Sep. 13, tying the Dakota Access oil Pipeline to the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline through their ownership by the same companies. This outing is also a followup to Continue reading