Tag Archives: Otter Springs

Proposed HPSII phosphate mine in Union and Bradford Counties, Florida

Update 2017-08-31: More maps and other information in the Phosphate Mining page.

The proposed HPSII phosphate mine on the New River in Bradford and Union Counties, Florida, features in Dave Wilson’s talk from April. HPSII would be upstream from the Santa Fe River, and thus upstream from the Suwannee River.

slide 27 by David Wilson

WWALS Watershed Coalition opposes the HPSII phosphate mine. We see no benefit in Union and Bradford Counties suffering effects such as those outlined in Dave Wilson’s slides, and looking like Hamilton County in these aerials: Continue reading

PotashCorp Field Trip Summary –David Wilson 2017-04-13

The moonscape that seems to go on forever while flying over Hamilton County, Florida in a small plane is the PCS phosphate mine, as seen in some WWALS aerials in these slides that David Wilson presented at a Santa Fe River Springs Protection Forum April 13, 2017 at Otter Springs, Florida. Dave is Treasurer of the Board of Florida Springs Institute, and a WWALS member. His slides are published on the WWALS website with his permission.

Slide 14

According to the slides, perhaps JEA is responsible for the low water levels at White Sulfur Springs, formerly a famous resort, now bone dry: Continue reading

Agenda, Santa Fe River Springs Protection Forum 2017-04-13

The agenda says it’s for a Santa Fe River Springs Protection Forum, but the venue at Otter Springs is on the Suwannee River downstream of the Santa Fe River, and Potash Corp Field Trip Summary is about the phosphate mine in Hamilton County well upstream on the Suwannee River, using pictures from the WWALS Southwings flight of 22 October 2016. Many people and organizations are concerned about an attempt to start another phosphate mine in Union and Bradford Counties, which are upstream of the Santa Fe River.

Follow the link for the agenda PDF, and there’s an image below.

When: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm, Thursday, April 13, 2017

Where: Otter Springs Campground
6470 SW 80th Avenue, Trenton FL, 32693

What: Santa Fe River Springs Protection Forum

Bee Haven Bay, now PCS Phosphate mine, 30.5089370, -82.8682070

Bee Haven Bay, now PCS Phosphate mine,
Picture by WWALS member Jim Tatum of Our Santa Fe River on WWALS Southwings flight 2017-10-22 piloted by Roy Zimmer, with Continue reading