Tag Archives: pine

Southern Company awards longleaf conservation grant to Okefenokee-Osceola Local Implementation Team 2016-07-06

Part of this longleaf pine forest grant from a major utility is partly in WWALS watersheds, in the Okefenokee Swamp and Osceola National Forest, in the upper Suwannee River basin.

Southern Company PR, July 6th 2016, Southern Company and partners award 10 longleaf conservation grants,

Continuing its longstanding tradition of supporting natural resource conservation, Southern Company, in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), today announced $4.3 million in grants to support, restore and enhance the longleaf ecosystem. The grants include funding for 10 projects in the Southeast states where Southern Company operates electric utilities.

Longleaf Pine Forest | Credit: Christine Ambrose

The 2016 grants will support 21 projects that are a part of Continue reading