Tag Archives: rainy

Canoeing Guide to the Withlacoochee River c. 1979

300x327 Map, in Canoe Guide to the Withlacoochee River Trail, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 0  1979 Including both Florida and Georgia, a second river got map and guide attention back in the 1970s. To be updated in the Withlacoochee River Water Trail.

This Withlacoochee River guide is courtesy of John Leonard, Executive Director of the Southern Georgia Regional Commission (SGRC).


I would speculate that it is the most recent of the three guides posted thus far, because the Continue reading

Alapaha River rainy season?

Veteran boater Bret Wagenhorst asked:

300x214 Alapaha, GA 02316000, in Alapaha River gauge heights over time, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 1 December 2014 Is there a defined “rainy season” on the Alapaha? I have seen the water high in December, March, July, and once even in September.

Good question!

300x214 Irwinville, GA 02315920, in Alapaha River gauge heights over time, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 1 December 2014 Looking at the record high water levels for the gauges, they’re all in April, March, February, or January.

Also, the only January one is for Irwinville, the farthest upstream, which also had its highest ever in February with that January high only slightly lower.

300x214 Statenville, GA 02317500, in Alapaha River gauge heights over time, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 1 December 2014 Downstream, Continue reading