Tag Archives: Roline Launch

Pictures: Redoux Suwannee River Roline to Cypress Creek 2016-09-05

Update 2019-05-01: To be continued, Saturday, May 4, 2019, Cypress Creek South Launch to Cone Bridge Ramp, Suwannee River.

Boats on both sides of the rapids 30.5204800, -82.7180800 Rapids, a spring, a creek, lunch with the WWALS banner on a beach, old bridge pylons, spring, some rapids, Rocky Creek, the WWALS banner at lunch, Turner Bridge pylons, and a painting boat on the Suwannee River on a WWALS Saturday Outing rescheduled to Monday due to Hurricane Hermine. Plus some videos and a google map.

Spring 30.5579067, -82.7266533

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Redoux Suwannee River Roline to Cypress Creek, 2016-09-03

Update 2016-09-04: “We’re on for Monday morning! River excellent condition,” says expedition leader Phil Hubbard.

Update 2016-09-02: Delayed until 10AM Monday 5th September due to aftereffects of Hurricane Hermine.

Update 2016-09-01: Watching Tropical Storm Hermine.

More people want to go after the pictures and reports from a few weeks ago, so WWALS has scheduled a redo from Roline to Cypress Creek on the iconic Suwannee River in north Florida. Also with a slightly later start this time; more convenient for far-away folks.

When: 10AM Saturday September 3rd 2016

Put in: Roline Launch, 30°33’51.0″N 82°43’30.6″W or 30.564185, -82.725167

Duration: 7.5 miles, about 4 hours.

Events: facebook, meetup.

Directions: Continue reading

Roline to Cypress Creek, Suwannee River, 2016-08-13

Join us for a summer morning paddle on the iconic Suwannee River in Florida.

Shuttle When: 8AM Saturday August 13th 2016

Put in: Roline Launch, 30°33’51.0″N 82°43’30.6″W or 30.564185, -82.725167

Directions: From Jasper: east on CR 6 approx. 15 miles, left on Woodpecker Rd. (Dirt) about 3 miles, follow sign to launch.

Take out: Cypress Creek South Launch

Duration: 7.5 miles, about 4 hours.

Events: facebook, meetup.

Shuttle: Continue reading