Bowen Mill Pond, Brooks County, Georgia

300x258 Bowen Mill Pond location west of Quitman, in Piscola Creek, by John S. Quarterman, for, 2013 For fishing in Brooks County, GA, try Bowen Mill Pond, west of Quitman. Heading west on US 84, turn right on Barwick Road between the Harveys and the Rite Aid, or right on Shiver Road. Then turn left on Dry Lake Road, and eventually turn left on Bowen Mill Pond road. You’ll see the pond on your right after a while.

Or, if you don’t mind dirt roads, turn off of US 84 onto Few Lane, immediately left onto Hassell Road, and when it curves to the right you’ll see the pond on your left.

Or keep going on US 84 until you see the tiny concrete marker next to the rusty tin roof on the right, and that dirt road apparently takes you to the dam.

Beware all the surrounding land is privately owned, so don’t trespass.

Bowen Mill Pond itself is parcel 048 0027, owned by the Georgia Department of Transportation, latlong 30.793842, -83.622886.

600x552 Bowen Mill Pond off of US 84, in Piscola Creek, by John S. Quarterman, for, 2013 Bowen Mill Pond off of US 84

600x516 Bowen Mill Pond location west of Quitman, in Piscola Creek, by John S. Quarterman, for, 2013 Bowen Mill Pond location west of Quitman

Here’s a google map:

Bowen Mill Pond flows down an unnamed creek into Piscola Creek and then into the Withlacoochee River.

Thanks to John Horton for the tip.


One thought on “Bowen Mill Pond, Brooks County, Georgia

  1. Don Thieme

    There is a lot of water quality data on Piscola Creek. It tends to have very low oxygen and pH, particularly during summer months. I know that the family whose farm borders Route 84 keeps some livestock but did not realized there was a pond with fish upstream. Is it stocked?

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