Written as a newspaper letter to the editor and posted here with permission. -jsq
Dear Residents
Did you know Lanier County doesn’t have zoning laws. Which that mean they can development on wetlands and on our Floridan Aquifer Recharge zone and build resident houses, subdivided, commercial building etc., cut timber on wetlands, on our watersheds and a Natural Gas Company want to put a pipeline through on these precious lands they can. It will destroy the land environment like our Floridan Aquifer Recharge zone (aka our drinking water) and our wetlands and our watersheds. Because it not protected like it should.
Well it time to protect it before it all destroy and gone. It is up to our local government to protect these precious lands and preserve it in the original state. Yes it’s time for our local government to do there job to protect it. So it can be there forever.
I notices they got those lands zone as Ag and V5 zone. Which those zone doesn’t protect it and in fact it can destroy those lands Eco system because they spray pesticide for there farm crops near the Floridan Aquifer Recharge zone and wetlands, our watersheds. It will runoff in the river, creeks, streams and in our natural underground water system and then it’s contaminated our drinking water. These Timber Company can destroy the land environment to make a big profit off the timbers from the wetlands and swamps. Which wetlands and swamps help absorb rain water from flooding in other area of the lands.
So I’m asking the residents of Lanier County to help me to proposed to the county commissioner’s to rezone these lands to E2 Environmental Conservation zone and put up signs that say Entering the Floridan Aquifer Recharge zone. So people can be inform there are in a protected zone. This E2 Environmental Conservation zone will protect these lands from being disturb and destroy by man kind. If u want to know more about what is E2 Environmental Conservation zoning mean here what it mean.
E2 Environmental Conservation zone.
(1) The objectives of Zone E2 Environmental Conservation are as follows:
(a) to protect, manage and restore areas of high ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values,
(b) to prevent development that could destroy, damage or otherwise have an adverse effect on those values.
(2) Development for any of the following purposes is permitted without consent on land within Zone E2 Environmental Conservation: environmental protection works.
(3) Development for any of the following purposes is permitted with consent on land within Zone E2 Environmental Conservation: environmental facilities; pubic recreation park,roads.
(4) Except as otherwise provided by this Part, development for the following purposes is prohibited on land within Zone E2 Environmental Conservation: business premises; hotel or motel accommodation; industries; multi dwelling housing; recreation facilities (major); residential flat buildings; retail premises; warehouse or distribution centres; any other development not specified in subclause (2) or (3).
Kristofer Graham
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