Another letter against Sabal Trail and for the rivers and the aquifer in the paper Suwannee Democrat, May 5th 2016.
In response to
Jason Bashaw’s, Chairman of the Suwannee County
Commission, article in the Suwannee Valley Times, I have this to
say. Why is it that if people are concerned about the environment
they live in, they are automatically placed into this environmental
left category? Like many, many people in our surrounding counties, I
hunt, fish, hike and paddle our local rivers. I use the environment
as do we all.
So, for working and paying taxes all my life — as a Vietnam Veteran,
as a person who chose to live in this rural part of Florida and
raise his kid, as a person who is not now nor ever will be wealthy —
I count our public lands, our woods and rivers as a reward for doing
the right thing. I do not mind my tax dollars going towards public
lands. Mr. Bashaw uses the environmental left in a derogatory manner
as a means of denigrating them, and he is including me in it and I
resent it. I resent it for my friend’s in WWALS and others who show
concern for the pipeline route. I have not met an environmental
lefty among them.
WWALS is, Continue reading →