Monthly Archives: January 2015

Pictures and Videos: Alapaha River Deadfalls, Outing from US82 south @ WWALS 2015-01-17

The Expert paddle on the Alapaha River from US 82, 300x169 Markers, in Alapaha deadfalls, by John S. Quarterman, for, 17 January 2015 found the water level just right and encountered no obstacles it couldn’t float over in the 17 January 2015 WWALS Outing. Paddlers were Heather Brasell, Jack Hartley, Chris and Deanna Mericle, John S. Quarterman, and Bret Wagenhorst. For more information, see the report by outing organizer Bret Wagenhorst. Here are some pictures and videos taken by John S. Quarterman.

Here’s a video playlist, followed by some still pictures: Continue reading

Bill Gates in Suwannee County, FL

300x231 Location: Stagecoach Road, US 90, and I-10, in Bill Gates in Suwannee County, FL, by John S. Quarterman, for, 4 January 2015 Lakeland Sands LLC has bought 341.26 acres for Bill Gates in Suwannee County, Florida, about six miles from the Suwannee River.

All seven parcels adjoin, and are located on or near the corner of 44th Street and 167th Road:

600x540 Seven parcels, in Bill Gates in Suwannee County, FL, by John S. Quarterman, for, 4 January 2015

Here’s a list from the Suwannee County Property Appraiser. Interestingly, one of those parcels shows Continue reading

Valdosta in Moultrie discussing flooding Saturday

Did the Withlacoochee River floods the Valdosta City Council all the way to Moultrie to discuss a levee? A levee proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers is top of Valdosta’s retreat agenda tomorrow and Sunday, 10-11 January 2014, at Sundown Farms Plantation, 894 Mack Dekle Road, Moultrie, GA 31768.

Joe Adgie wrote for the VDT 8 January 2014, Valdosta City Council retreating in Moultrie, Continue reading

Expert paddle on the Alapaha River from US 82: WWALS Outing 2015-01-17

Help check the Alapaha River for deadfalls! Expert paddlers wanted; inquire within.

Update 2015-01-17: Some pictures and videos by John S. Quarterman and an outing summary by Bret Wagenhorst.

300x225 Pointing, in Alapaha River upstream from near Willacoochee, GA, by Gretchen Quarterman, for, 19 January 2013 Meet at the Alapaha River boat ramp at the Hwy 82 bridge just east of the town of Alapaha at 09:30 AM. Boats and gear will be unloaded and some vehicles will be driven to the take out near the Gaskins Forestry Education Center south of Alapaha to allow the shuttle. One vehicle will then bring the drivers back to the put in and the trip will hopefully get started down river at about 10:00-10:15. Facebook event.

This event is FREE! All we ask is that you are a current member of WWALS Watershed Coalition. If not, its easy to join online today at /donations/. You do not have to be a member to come on this outing. If you like the experience, we recommend that you join to support the efforts of WWALS.

The trip may take 4 hours, but it may shorter or longer depending Continue reading

Grimmway of Bakersfield, CA in Madison County, FL

Bill Gates isn’t the only west coast investor buying up north Florida farmland.

300x383 Grimmway-marked, in A Bakersfield, CA Carrot Corp., by John S. Quarterman, for, 4 January 2014 Grimmway Enterprises, Inc. of Bakersfield, CA bought 1358.44 acres in Madison County, FL, all on 18 April 2014, on both sides of SE Farm Road between Lee and the Withlacoochee River. Grimmway’s website says they grow carrots. It doesn’t say whether they have any financial relationship with Continue reading

Water testing certification at Reed Bingham this Saturday 2015-01-10

Thanks to Margaret Tyson. See also PDF. -jsq

Chemical and
Workshop 300x400 Sign up, in GA Adopt-A-Stream at Reed Bingham, by GOLDEN TRIANGLE RC&D, for, 10 January 2015

Reed Bingham State Park
January 10th, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This is a registration only event.
Register by calling
at 229-723-3841 or

Together We Can Make A Difference Continue reading

28 Bill Gates parcels in Madison County, FL

More than 1,000 acres through September 2014, in parcels already adding up to more than 250 acres, or in contiguous or nearby parcels that can be combined, all bought by Lakeland Sands LLC.

300x152 2335.52 acres of timberland, in Lakeland Sands in Hamilton County, FL, by John S. Quarterman, for, 4 January 2015 On SE Farm Road and FL 63, between Madison and Lee, 30.423520, -83.353757, parcels 01-1S-09-0843-000-000 (374 acres), 06-1S-10-1192-000-000 (568.35 acres), 05-1S-10-1187-000-000 (363.161 acres), 07-1S-10-1197-000-000 (316.13 acres), 08-1S-10-1199-000-000 (259 acres) 12-1S-09-0892-001-000 (67.27 acres) 12-1S-09-0893-000-000 (224.68 acres), and 11-1S-09-0884-000-000 (162.93 acres), for 2335.52 acres total in just those eight parcels. All eight marked as timberland: we’ll see how long that lasts. Plus 12-1S-09-0892-002-0A2 (39.12 acres) of pastureland in between. These parcels surround a couple of City of Madison parcels Continue reading

Old Bridge over Alapahoochee River

Nice to look at, but not for driving. Chris Mericle reports:

300x225 River and bridge, in Old Bridge over the Alapahoochee River, by Chris Mericle, for, 3 January 2015 Here are some photos of an old bridge across the Alapahoochee River that Deanna and I came across while out exploring the other day.

Driving or even walking across this bridge probably shouldn’t be recommended. Continue reading