TONIGHT in Hamilton County, 6 pm:
FYI….pipelines are a direct result of fracking in our country. The
Suwannee and Santa Fe River is faced with this destructive transport
Hamilton County already wrote and voted in favor of supporting a statewide ban on fracking. I do not see them being in favor of a pipeline cutting through their community for gas infrastructure. BUT, we’ll see after tonight. If you can attend this meeting or share this with others who may, that would be good to be a part of the discussion.
Please share this: FL DEP to issue permit trusting Sabal Trail to prevent leaks into the Floridan Aquifer.
Hamilton Co. BOCC is taking up this issue tonight at their regular meeting. The meeting starts at 6pm at the courthouse. This is not on the agenda, so it will be discussed at the end of the meeting and public comment may not be allowed.
Chris Mericle