Expedition leader Chris Mericle reports he’s gotten the Suwannee River State Park vehicle entrance fees waived for this weekend’s outing, plus a permit
…to view a unique closed area of the park called “5 Holes”. 5 Holes is a series of karst windows leading to a spring. When the water level is right you can walk through a semi-cavern from the river up the spring run to the spring.
So meet us 8AM tomorrow morning, Saturday, August 15h, 2015 at Gibson Park!
James Garrett posted some pictures and video of a 2010 visit to this cave system.
Cynthia Bennett, Tampa Bay Times, Nature slip-siding away for Suwannee River, Florida,
The cave beach is our favorite stop, for the hike, the culture (one carload of teenagers from Georgia, one grandma in a Confederate-flag bikini), and the many launch pads — bluffs, tree limbs, the granddaddy rope swing hanging from a granddaddy oak. Known as “Five Holes,” this is everyone else’s favorite, too. People come by canoe or kayak, motorboat or car, to watch aerial athletics: Teenagers flip; dads defy gravity for a second before a big splash; the smallest bodies swing into the sky with fragile grace, my son in the snapshot.
Apparently, we’ve all loved this place too much. Planning this year’s trip, I learned that Five Holes has been shut down to the public. On the landside, no hiking in the limestone, no parking for the teenagers. On the waterside, no swimming and no swinging.
But WWALS has access to Five Holes tomorrow.
All that and we float past where Sabal Trail proposes to bore under the Suwanee River.
Y’all come!
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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Pingback: Update: Sabal Trail Pipeline, Alapaha, Suwannee, and Withlacoochee Rivers, WWALS Outing 2015-08-15 - WWALS Watershed Coalition
Pingback: Banks Lake Full Moon Paddle: bring bon-bons! 2015-08-29 - WWALS Watershed Coalition
Pingback: Pictures and videos from Alapaha Rise, Sabal Trail pipeline, Five Holes, and Alapaha and Withlacoochee Confluences on the Suwannee River 2015-08-15 - WWALS Watershed Coalition