Monthly Archives: August 2015

Back in Douglas: Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Council 2015-08-31

According to GA-DNR, 17 August 2015,

The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Council will meet on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 10:00am in the meeting room of Aniston’s Restaurant, located at 1404 W. Baker Highway, Douglas, GA. Registration begins at 9:30am. The Council will be hearing presentations on surface water supply and agricultural water-use forecasting. The Council will also be discussing items for consideration in the revision and update of the 2011 Regional Water Plan.

Here are the LAKE videos of their June meeting and here is the announcement for their July meeting; the LAKE videos for that last one will be available soon.


Miami Herald picked up Spectra accidents and ties to FL Gov. Scott

From Florida Bulldog to a daily with more than 140,000 circulation.

Dan Christensen, Miami Herald, 16 August 2015, Pipeline company with tie to Gov. Scott and state backing, has history of accidents,

Spectra Energy, the company that state environmental regulators say should be allowed to construct a 267-mile-long natural gas pipeline in North Florida, has a checkered history of accidents and violations of federal safety rules in the U.S. and Canada dating back decades. reported last week Continue reading

Pictures and videos from Alapaha Rise, Sabal Trail pipeline, Five Holes, and Alapaha and Withlacoochee Confluences on the Suwannee River 2015-08-15

From Douglas and Tifton, Georgia through Florida to South America and South Africa, WWALS banner at Five Holes 30.4181843, -83.1553879 they ate bon-bons and floated and climbed to see springs, caves at Five Holes, and said what they thought about the Sabal Trail pipeline proposing to gouge across the Suwannee River, on the WWALS Outing Saturday August 15th 2015.

Update 2018-02-12: 5 Holes (also known as Hamilton Seven Sisters Spring) is on Suwannee River State Park (SRSP) land, and is normally closed to the public. We did have permission for this outing, thanks to Park Manager Craig Liney, as well as for the later Five Holes Cleanup and Site Exploration.

Preparing at Gibson Park 30.4374065, -83.0932236