Sabal Trail Contractor Fair, Moultrie, GA 2016-04-15

Not just for compressor station counties, also apparently also for where Sabal Trail has promised side taps, including Moultrie, Georgia, as seen today in the Tifton Gazette and the Valdosta Daily Times.

Southern Regional Technical College, Seminar Center, 361 Industrial Drive, Moultrie, GA 31788 When: 11AM – 2PM Friday, April 15th 2016

Where: Southern Regional Technical College, Seminar Center, 361 Industrial Drive, Moultrie, GA 31788

This Moultrie job fair is scheduled one month after Colquitt County sent FERC exorbitant claims of benefits in property tax revenue, wildly high and out-of-context construction jobs claims, and discounted safety and environmental concerns, with no mention whatever of agriculture, nevermind Colquitt County’s letter to FERC two years before about agricultural concerns.

The Colquitt letter to FERC made no mention of lowered property values reducing tax revenue, cited no source, just “It is estimated that”. However, in the same paragraph:

In Colquitt County alone. Sabal Trail is estimated to generate over $44 million in property taxes over the next 60 years with a potential one year construction benefit estimated at $755 million.

That $755 million figure exactly matches Sabal Trail’s own estimate of “$755 million through just one year of construction impacts” for the entire Sabal Trail project in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

So not only is that biggest number cribbed directly from Sabal Trail, it’s not even right, claiming for Colquitt County Sabal Trail’s estimate for three states.

Further in the same letter:

Another important ecmomic aspect of this project is the acceptance of a request regarding the provision of a tap in our county.

Acceptance by whom? Of a request from whom? Colquitt County doesn’t have any natural gas delivery infrastructure, and its county seat, the City of Moultrie, a year ago told FERC “Sabal has failed to present any evidence of the need to expand natural gas in this area”.

Sounds to me like the side tap request was the one from Sabal Trail in its 21 November 2014 FERC filing. It seems likely who accepted it was Terry R. Clark, Chairman, Colquitt County Board of Commissioners, in his FERC filing of 14 March 2016: Accession Number 20160314-0049:

101 East Central Avenue
Post Offix Box 517
Moultrie, GA 31776-0517
Phone 229-616-7400
Facsimile 229-616-7081

February 15, 2016

Ms. Kimberly Bose. Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20426

Re: Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC Project: FERC Docket CP15-17-000

Dear Ms. Bose,

I currently have the honor and privilege of serving as the Colquitt County Board of Commissioners. This community leadership role provides me with a unique understanding of the importance of and critical infrastructure for future needs, economic development. and community rmdiness.

After careful evaluation and review, I am writing to my support for the proposed Sahal Trail Transmission natural gas pipeline in Georgia.

Counts  million Sabal Trail estimate for Colquitt County alone Sabal Trail will provide substantial economic benefit to at least nine counties in Southwest Georgia in the form of jobs, new taxes and future economic growth. It is estimated that the project will generate $372,716,371 in property taxes that could be utilized to support schools, local programs, and community projects. in Colquitt County alone, Sabal Trail is estimated to generate over $44 million in property taxes over the next 60 years with a potmtial one year construction benefit estimated at $755 million. From an economic standpoint, these are significant numbers for Colquitt County.

Another important ecmomic aspect of this project is the acceptance of a request regarding the provision of a tap in our county. Having this additional option of natural gas service can only enhance economic endeavors. The company met with us and at this time, the tap size and actual physical location has been agreed upon.

Discounts safety and evironmental issues; does not even mention agriculture During my review and evaluation, I also have become impressed. with the safety and environmental recordof Spectra Energy and the excellent job they have performed informing and educating the citizens in the communities where the pipeline is to be located I am confident this project will be developed in a safe and environmentally sound manner for Colquitt County,

I urge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to approve this important project. It will create jobs, positively enhance our economy, and provide critically needed infiastructure in Southwest Georgia.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry R. Clark
Colquitt County Board of Commissioners



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2 thoughts on “Sabal Trail Contractor Fair, Moultrie, GA 2016-04-15

  1. Pingback: Contractor Fair, Sabal Trail, Ocala and Live Oak | WWALS Watershed Coalition

  2. Pingback: Sabal Trail Contractor Fairs: Ocala, Live Oak, Albany | SpectraBusters

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