CR/T Class 3 Permit Change Meeting Report 2016-06-22

A small but inquisitive group attended the CRT Class 3 Permit Change Public meeting on Wednesday June 22nd at the Public Library on Woodrow Wilson Drive in Valdosta.

The representatives of the company included Ramesh Mulani (Operations Manager for CR/T), Brian Jones from International Paper (apparently International Paper is responsible for the monitoring of the wells), Carol Northern from EarthCon Consultants, a subcontractor to International Paper and a gentleman whose name I failed to record. Ms. Northern gave a detailed overview of the reasons for the two permit change requests.

  1. The first permit change was to add regular monitoring for three contaminants that have recently appeared (and been confirmed) in one well to the monitoring of all the other wells. Permit changes are required for addition or deletion of regular tests. She indicated that they did not know the source of the contaminants (Naphthalene, 2-Methylphenol, Phenol).
  2. The second permit change is to remove well number MW-20 from the roster and replace it with an existing down gradient well (SMW-3). Ms. Northern explained that the well has been in violation because it is inside of a storm water collection tank and is not always accessible to EPD inspectors. The levels of contaminants detected in this well have been in compliance since 2001. She also explained that there was no other place nearby that a new well could be drilled because of underground and overhead pipes and utilities. When asked how the well got to be in the storm water collection tank, everyone at the table seemed mystified. Apparently it was that way when International Paper took over responsibility for monitoring the site.

Those in attendance asked questions and expressed their concerns about making sure that water in our community and watershed remains drinkable, fishable, swimmable and boatable.

Watch the WWALS video of the meeting: [youtube][/youtube]

All the permit request materials are in the previous WWALS blog post.


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One thought on “CR/T Class 3 Permit Change Meeting Report 2016-06-22

  1. Pingback: Request for Class 3 Permit Modification by CR/T from GA-EPD 2016-06-22 | WWALS Watershed Coalition

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