The Chair said they would send a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and everyone applauded,
in the middle of a record number of people speaking
Tuesday morning to the
board of the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD),
most against Sabal Trail, among other topics.
Please send names of the unidentified speakers to
And you can still send your message to the SRWMD board via
Robin Lamm, Coordinator,; in the Subject say SRWMD Board Members; and remember to copy Noah Valenstein, Executive Director,
(Thanks to Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson for the updated Coordinator name and address.)
Below are links to each of the videos, followed by a video playlist. These are the complete videos of everything before the lunch break, except for a camera failure at the beginning of one talk. See also the Agenda and board packet.
Order, Roll Call, Invocation, Pledge
Swearing in of new board members
Paul Still, Bradford Soil and Water Conservation District, about MFLs
Pamela Smith, President Our Santa Fe River
Maryvonne Devensky, Suwannee-St Johns Group, Sierra Club Florida
Jim Tatum, Historian OSFR
Merillee Malwitz-Jipson, Sierra Club FL, OSFR
Terry Phelan, OSFR
John Dickert, Madison County, FL
Gale Dickert, Madison County, FL
Bob Barnas, former City Commissioner, High Springs, FL
? Consultants for High Springs
Karen Garan, wildlife biologist, member Sierra Club
Introducing new staff
John S. Quarterman, President, WWALS Watershed Coalition
Christopher J. Mericle, Board Member, WWALS
Karen Arrington, Gainesville
Carolyn Livingston
5. Consent Agenda, 16. Hutchison Family LP, Levy County
17. Waccasassa Fish Club, Levy County
31. Lee Peanut Farms, Suwannee County, Water Use Permit for carrots
Here’s a video playlist:
All morning against Sabal Trail
Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) Board Meeting
Videos by John S. Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS),
SRWMD HQ, Live Oak, Florida, 9 August 2016
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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