Update 2017-02-05 Pictures.
You can join WWALS for a fall Saturday paddle on the Suwannee River in
the Okefenokee swamp.
Bring a boat, PFD, and paddle, or you can rent those at the park.
When: 10AM Saturday December 10th 2016
Where: Georgia’s Stephen C. Foster State Park near Fargo, GA
What: Paddle from Billy’s Lake down through the River Narrows to the Suwannee River Sill.
Distance: About 7 miles in about 4 hours
Responsible Party: Bret Wagenhorst
This event is FREE! But you can join WWALS today. /donations/
Directions to the Fargo, GA gate of Georgia’s Stephen C. Foster State Park
US 441 from the north or south, or GA 94 from the west or east, are the roads to Fargo, and from there GA 177 another 18 miles northeast to the park.
Address: 17515 Georgia Highway 177, Fargo, GA 31631
GPS: 30.8269500 -82.3621000 or 30° 49′ 37.02″ N, 82° 21′ 43.5594″ W.
See also the Okefenokee Wilderness Area Canoe Trails organized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Backup in case of low water:
Everything would be the same except the destination:
What: Paddle upstream to Billy’s Island and back.
For more outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS calendar.
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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