Suwannee County HDD, Sabal Trail, 2017-05-20

Sabal Trail has hidden the “depressions” they admitted to recently.

Evidence all buried at HDD site,

Updated 2017-05-23: Clarify what the google map is about.

See the Google map for the locations of these pictures.

See also Sabal Trail sign installation at SRSP, 2017-05-19, Sabal Trail signs at Suwannee River, 2017-05-20, and see elected officials a year ago hike past the sinkholes in Suwannee River State Park that Sabal Trail drills under.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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Wet spot right at the road 30.3998796, -83.1528225
Wet spot right at the road 30.3998796, -83.1528225

No rain in weeks: why is this wet? 30.3996667, -83.1527157
No rain in weeks: why is this wet? 30.3996667, -83.1527157

Another wet spot 30.3996667, -83.1527157
Another wet spot 30.3996667, -83.1527157

And another wet spot 30.3996667, -83.1527157
And another wet spot 30.3996667, -83.1527157

Pipeline marker 30.4060048, -83.1527613
Pipeline marker 30.4060048, -83.1527613

Down to the sinkhole they admitted 30.3639987, -83.1251918
Down to the sinkhole they admitted 30.3639987, -83.1251918

l. Suwannee River State Park, r. Sabal Trail 30.3639987, -83.1251918
l. Suwannee River State Park, r. Sabal Trail 30.3639987, -83.1251918

Sinkhole evidence buried near palmettos 30.4029284, -83.1528261
Sinkhole evidence buried near palmettos 30.4029284, -83.1528261

SRSP path 30.4034829, -83.1528378
SRSP path 30.4034829, -83.1528378

To the corner 30.4034829, -83.1528378
To the corner 30.4034829, -83.1528378

Across 30.4034829, -83.1528378
Across 30.4034829, -83.1528378

To the entrance 30.4034829, -83.1528378
To the entrance 30.4034829, -83.1528378

Another pipeline marker 30.4044921, -83.1528038
Another pipeline marker 30.4044921, -83.1528038

Yet another wet spot 30.4053009, -83.1527789
Yet another wet spot 30.4053009, -83.1527789

Tracks 30.4053009, -83.1527789
Tracks 30.4053009, -83.1527789

Tracks across dam 30.4059580, -83.1527842
Tracks across dam 30.4059580, -83.1527842

Tracks at corner 30.4059579, -83.1527133
Tracks at corner 30.4059579, -83.1527133

Landowners gate removed 30.4059579, -83.1527133
Landowners gate removed 30.4059579, -83.1527133

Guard tower and no berm 30.4059579, -83.1527133
Guard tower and no berm 30.4059579, -83.1527133

No berm 30.4059717, -83.1527300
No berm 30.4059717, -83.1527300

Random trash? 30.4060048, -83.1527613
Random trash? 30.4060048, -83.1527613

Sinkhole buried 30.4060048, -83.1527613
Sinkhole buried 30.4060048, -83.1527613

Towards the river 30.4060048, -83.1527613
Towards the river 30.4060048, -83.1527613

In SRSP 30.4060048, -83.1527613
In SRSP 30.4060048, -83.1527613

Back towards the pipeline 30.4060048, -83.1527613
Back towards the pipeline 30.4060048, -83.1527613

Tiny gopher hole in SRSP 30.4149711, -83.1582350
Tiny gopher hole in SRSP 30.4149711, -83.1582350

Pipeline sign across Suwannee River (through the center tree), 30.4076500, -83.1563000
Pipeline sign across Suwannee River (through the center tree), 30.4076500, -83.1563000

Party at the river bend, 30.4084550, -83.1558820
Party at the river bend, 30.4084550, -83.1558820

Sabal Trail seen from the riverside 30.4062724, -83.1566252
Sabal Trail seen from the riverside 30.4062724, -83.1566252

Evidence all buried at HDD site, 30.4072790, -83.1542080
Evidence all buried at HDD site, 30.4072790, -83.1542080

Sinkhole site and guard tower, 30.4063570, -83.1528050
Sinkhole site and guard tower, 30.4063570, -83.1528050

NE corner, 30.4070670, -83.1514720
NE corner, 30.4070670, -83.1514720

Inside corner, 30.4067330, -83.1524380
Inside corner, 30.4067330, -83.1524380

Cant plant trees on the pipeline easement, 30.4061420, -83.1525560
Cant plant trees on the pipeline easement, 30.4061420, -83.1525560

Still looks pretty wet, 30.4049290, -83.1525020
Still looks pretty wet, 30.4049290, -83.1525020

More wet spots towards the entrance, 30.4032450, -83.1523950
More wet spots towards the entrance, 30.4032450, -83.1523950

Longleaf in fence; tracks over dam 30.4048880, -83.1528402
Longleaf in fence; tracks over dam 30.4048880, -83.1528402

Google Map

Follow this link for the interactive google map, or it’s also embedded below.