Monthly Archives: June 2017

WiLFest, Gainesville, FL 2017-06-17

Today in Gainesville, FL, Jim Gross of Florida Defenders of the Environment and John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper, will be speaking at Water is Life Fest. With music!

When: 6PM Saturday 17 June 2017

Where: Civic Media Center
433 S Main St, Gainesville, Florida 32601

Event: facebook

Part Deux

“WiLFest features: Continue reading

If we hear about a sinkhole or a leak, we’ll be there –WWALS @ WCTV 2017-06-15

It’s not over just because the gas is flowing through Sabal Trail. We’ll be watching, and we’re escalating.

Noelani Mathews, WCTV, June 15, 2017, Local environmentalist groups prepare for Sabal Trail Pipeline to go online,

“We’ve always did a lot online and through legal angles and we’re going to continue doing a lot of that,” says John Quarterman, WWALS President. “If we hear about a sink hole or a leak, we’ll be there taking pictures.”

At the Withlacoochee River @ GA 122

Sabal Trail Transmission spokeswoman Andrea Grover said, Continue reading

Improved Sheboggy Ramp, Alapaha River @ US 82

Here’s a pleasant surprise! The access road has been smoothed out and Sheboggy Ramp itself has been re-concreted. Thanks to Ben Warren, Berrien County Roads Superintendent, for doing the work.

Ramp with new concrete

[Ramp with new concrete]
Ramp with new concrete

Thanks to Bret Wagenhorst for these pictures, Continue reading

Sabal Trail in-service: keep watching them 2017-06-14

There are still many things you can do, from permit violations to FERC reform, after FPL gloated yesterday about starting the gas through Transco, Sabal Trail, and FSC. Pipelines leak, and another pipeline’s go-ahead just got slapped down by a federal court, plus we need to change the whole legal game. Meanwhile, continuing the rocketing rise of solar power in the Sunshine State and everywhere else is the best way to pry the clammy grip of the fossil fuel industry off our political system.

FSC spill
Photo: Mitch Allen

Susan Salisbury, Palm Beach Post, 14 June 2017, Sabal Trail, Florida SE Connection are now piping fuel to FPL,

“The start of Florida Southeast Connection and Sabal Trail Transmission natural gas pipeline operations is an important milestone for FPL customers and Florida’s economy,” FPL president and CEO Eric Silagy said.

It may indeed be a milestone of the last pipeline ever built into Florida or through Georgia.

It may even be a milestone of Continue reading

Banks Lake Full Moon Paddle 2017-07-08

Bring bon-bons, lights, and boats to paddle the moonlit mysteries of our own mini-Okefenokee: Banks Lake, as the sun sets between Lakeland, GA and I-75.

300x225 Moonrise with lights, in Banks Lake Full Moon, by John S. Quarterman, 13 June 2014 Bring something somewhat more substantial and we will have a brief pot-luck at the gazebo before paddling. No cooking at the site.

When: 8PM Saturday, July 8, 2017

Where: Banks Lake Boat Ramp,
1099 W Main St. (GA 122), Lakeland, GA 31635.
Or: 307 Georgia 122, Lakeland, GA 31635, Lanier County

GPS: 31.03492, -83.09619

Event: facebook, meetup.

Duration: Continue reading

Pictures from coal movie and panel, Live Oak, FL 2017-06-09

Reporting from the event, Jim Tatum, OSFR, 10 June 2017, “From The Ashes” Screening by Suwannee St Johns Sierra Club North Florida Working Group,

The North Florida Working Group of the Suwannee St Johns Sierra Club presented an early screening of the documentary “From the Ashes” at the Live Oak Woman’s Club on June 9, 2017….

Susanna Rudolph, Joy Ezell, and Gretchen Quarterman, panelists; Photo: Jim Tatum, OSFR

After the showing Deanna Mericle lead a panel composed of Susanna Randolph, Campaign Senior Representative for Beyond Coal, Sierra Club from Orlando, Joy Ezell, active environmentalist and founder of Help Our Polluted Environment (HOPE) from Perry, and Gretchen Quarterman, Board member and treasurer of WWALS Watershed Coalition, Hahira, Georgia.

Follow the link for more pictures and text.

See also Continue reading

He Tang, Xiang Riverkeeper, Hunan Province

Panel: Strategies for public participation & Outreach, Waterkeeper Conference, Park City, Utah, 2017-06-10

gesturing, left: translator; watching, right: the presenter, whose name I don’t think I got right but he’s from Hunan.

All the attendees helped come up with and organize ideas.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Same day FERC lets Sabal Trail turn on gas, Waterkeeper Alliance passes resolution to oppose FERC 2017-06-09


Salt Lake City, Utah, May June 9, 2017 — Friday morning, FERC staff granted Sabal Trail’s request to turn on the gas, saying it trusted the pipeline company to handle remaining landowner issues and “punch-list” items, despite objections from WWALS, Sierra Club, Flint Riverkeeper, and many others. Before noon, the worldwide Waterkeeper Alliance passed a resolution to join the effort to reform FERC; a resolution written by WWALS and Flint Riverkeeper.

All in favor raise your hand

Flint Riverkeeper Gordon Rogers made the motion and Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman seconded; they also wrote the resolution.

Quarterman explained:

“While the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is a U.S. agency, its actions affect the whole world, because much of the gas in the interstate natural gas pipelines FERC rubberstamps is for export.

“Even with Sabal Trail, the fight is not over. The case brought against FERC by Continue reading

Waterkeeper Alliance unanimously passes FERC reform resolution

Flint Riverkeeper Gordon Rogers made the motion and Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman seconded; they also wrote the resolution. While the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is a U.S. agency, its actions affect the whole world, because much of the gas in the interstate natural gas pipelines FERC rubberstamps is exported. Any money spent on new fossil fuel projects would be better spent on clean sun and wind power, which are winning anyway.John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper