Now also a Rivers Alive cleanup in conjunction with Keep Lowndes-Valdosta Beautiful (KLVB). You can clean up, or clean up and paddle! Best to bring a rope for your boat: the Withlacoochee River is low, and there may be a few spots of dragging over shoals.
Through KLVB: Call (229)671-3698 to be assigned to Nankin Landing or another location.
Through WWALS: Come on down to Nankin Boat Ramp 9AM Saturday October 14, 2017!
Where: 6899 Clyattville-Nankin Rd, Valdosta, GA 31601, in Lowndes County, 30.675192, -83.394143
Details: See previous post.
Gage: USGS 02318500 at US 84. We’ve done this stretch before:
June 22, 2013, at 86.75 feet on the US gauge,
when we didn’t know about McIntyre Spring or Arnold Springs -
July 9, 2017, 85.25 feet on the US 84 gage
when we stopped at both springs, and we noted: “Lowest level to paddle over most shoals, had to drag boats over several shoals.”
It’s higher than that now: 85.8 feet on the US 84 gauge, and the river is higher upstream, so it should keep rising where we’re going.
So come on down!
Once again, for more details, see previous post.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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