Daily Archives: June 21, 2018

Sabal Trail Jury Trial in Valdosta, GA 2018-06-25

Update 2018-06-26: Cross examination starts at 9AM today in the Sabal Trail Jury Trial in Valdosta. John S. Quarterman went to the oral arguments yesterday afternoon.

Update 2018-06-25: Oral arguments start 1PM today in the Sabal Trail Jury Trial in Valdosta. Gretchen went to jury selection this morning, which wrapped up rapidly.

PDF flyer.

Maybe this will end up like the last jury trial, which didn’t go so well for Sabal Trail. Come see!

Photo by Mjrmtg on Wikimedia Commons of Federal Building, Valdosta, GA, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. The date, case number, judge, and defendant, are from Attorney Jonathan P. Waters. Anything additional I have dug up.

When: 1PM, Monday, June 23, 2018, and may run all week.

Where: Continue reading

Mining Phosphorous Trailer

U.C. Berkeley student Alan Toth made a film about environmental concerns embroiling a small town in North Florida.

Mining Phosphorus explores the subject of phosphate mining in Florida. Phosphate rock is our main source of phosphorus, one of the most critical elements in modern agriculture, but the practice of mining phosphate produces significant environmental concerns, including literal mountains of toxic waste.

You will probably recognize many of the people in this trailer. In the first view of protesters, there’s Continue reading

Mike Tappan from Valdosta, finalist for Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, Valdosta, GA

With his song entry, Mike Tappan said about himself: “Blue collar working musician exploring the musical heritage of the American south.”

Facebook Profile, Photo
Photo by Kari Gaskins of Mike Tappan, on his facebook profile.

You can hear Mike and the other finalists play while you munch on finger foods with a cash bar, silent auction, and kayak raffle at the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, 1-5PM this Saturday, June 23, at the Salty Snapper, 1405 Gornto Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602.

Mike isn’t the only Valdosta participant. One of the judges, Continue reading