We had fun cleaning up at Troupville Boat Ramp and the private land down the Little River to its Confluence with the Withlacoochee River, and then up the Withlacoochee a bit. Boy Scouts did much of the work, in Ronnie Thomas’ troup: this cleanup was his idea. Two of the landowners who let us into the land down to the Confluence were there; that property is for sale. Scotti Jay and Bobby and the McKenzie clan were also there. Brown Dog and Yellow Dog liked getting into another river.
Red, yellow, white, blue, 10:09:03, 30.8454610, -83.3467969
Landowner Helen Tapp promised donuts, and delivered.
Donuts, 08:41:30, 30.8514439, -83.3472348
We got banner pictures early so as to catch early-comers.
Banner with Gretchen, 07:50:27
The Little River comes in from the right of the picture, joining the Withlacoochee River, which comes in from the left and continues through the top of the picture.
Confluence, 09:41:49, 30.8471348, -83.3473936
The dogs love playing on trees.
Arch, 09:57:01, 30.8456776, -83.3471229
Scouts working hard.
Dogs and scouts, 09:58:13, 30.8459631, -83.3471146
Scotti Jay arrived.
Scouts, Gretchen, and Scotti Jay, 10:06:31, 30.8456066, -83.3468372
There are some impediments to paddling. Here’s one.
Deadfall, 10:09:50, 30.8451457, -83.3468181
Quite a bit of trash collected.
Scouts with collection, 09:59:27
The McKenzie clan arrived.
McKenzies and Scouts, 10:01:20
Landowner Trav Paine may paddle with us later.
Trav Paine, 09:05:48, 30.8512408, -83.3472770
We’re guessing somebody buried their pet here.
Artificial flowers, 09:11:23, 30.8509306, -83.3474722
Trav and Gretchen, 09:10:49, 30.8509306, -83.3474730
Interesting place, the Little River Confluence.
Tight frame, 09:35:29, 30.8476867, -83.3476950
On the WWALS website are many more pictures by Gretchen Quarterman and by John S. Quarterman.
For more WWALS outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS calendar or the WWALS outings and events web page. WWALS members also get an upcoming list in the Tannin Times newsletter.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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