Langdale Park open and upgraded –Bobby McKenzie 2020-11-29

Bobby McKenzie says:

I drove by Langdale Park yesterday and it was open.

[Driveway, pavillion, streetlight, logjam, sandbar (rotated)]
Driveway, pavillion, streetlight, logjam, sandbar (rotated)

VLPRA did a great job cleaning up the road back there. There wasn’t a single rut to be seen, all filled in nice and smooth the whole way.

[Smooth driveway]
Smooth driveway

Langdale Park Boat Ramp could use a little help with that sand bar.


And of course some trash and dead falls right there at the ramp needs cleared.


I know there’s more trash in the logjams along the way to as Russell and I paddled this route back in September after putting in at 41 Bridge (aka US 41 Landing) since the park was closed.

They even put up street lights along the road into the park and several cameras along the way especially right there at the Langdale Park Boat Ramp. Hopefully it stays nice for a while and they hold violators accountable.


It seems they could and should do this at more of the parks and boat ramps to help protect not only the parks and boat ramps, but also those people that use them.


Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks & Recreation Authority (VLPRA) runs four other boat ramps on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail:

And another on the Alapaha River Water Trail:

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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