Pictures: Banks Lake Full Buck Moon paddle 2021-07-23

The weather threatened earlier in the day, but relented. Banks Lake was glassy smooth, and the Full Buck Moon broke through the overcast. There were bats. Everybody was happy.

[Banners, boats, moon]
Banners, boats, moon

Holding the Suwannee Riverkeeper Banner is Chris “Turtleman” Adams, the only paddler actually qualified to pet an alligator.

[Bobby McKenzie, safety lecture]
Bobby McKenzie, safety lecture: don’t pet the alligators.

Thanks to Bob and Sue Raffaele for the Old Town Canoe. WWALS President Tom H. Johnson Jr. paddled, and I photographed, as we acted as sweep, to be sure nobody got left behind.

[Stern WWALS President Tom H. Johnson Jr.]
Stern WWALS President Tom H. Johnson Jr.

[Heading out]
Heading out

[Family fun]
Family fun

[There they are]
There they are

[Into the trees]
Into the trees

[Cypress, Spanish moss]
Cypress, Spanish moss

[Open water]
Open water

[Cerulean and coral]
Cerulean and coral

[Boats beyond the trees]
Boats beyond the trees

[Moon risen]
Moon risen

[Moon tree]
Moon tree

[Moon beam]
Moon beam

[Moon boats]
Moon boats

There are many more pictures on the WWALS website:–banks-lake-full-moon-pictures

Expedition leader Bobby McKenzie posted a couple of bat videos on facebook. No doubt many other people posted pictures and videos.

[Banks Lake Boat Ramp]
Banks Lake Boat Ramp

Next: Banks Lake Full Sturgeon Moon Paddle, 2021-08-22.

[Moon above Banks Lake Outdoors]
Moon above Banks Lake Outdoors

More: For more WWALS outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS outings web page, WWALS members also get an upcoming list in the Tannin Times newsletter.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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