Biomass plant air quality permit application, Adel, Cook County, GA 2021-10-20

Not the same company or location as Renewable Biomass: another proposed pellet plant in Cook County, Georgia.

In yesterday’s routine weekly GA-EPD public advisory of air quality permit applications were two in the Suwannee River Basin: one probably a good idea, the other not so good.

The OK one is by Packaging Corporation of America (PCA) of Clyattville for “Replacement of the tall oil reactor.” Proactive maintenance sounds like a good idea.

The bad one is an application for “The construction and operation of a new pellet mill.” The advisory doesn’t say what kind of pellet mill, but the application is by “Spectrum Energy Georgia, LLC”, so it sure sounds like another wood pellet plant for export to Europe to burn south Georgia trees.

I have sent GA-EPD a request for the complete permit application.

[Green Tree Biomass LLC]
Green Tree Biomass LLC

The address given in the advisory for the pellet plant is “801 Cook Street, Adel, 31620”. The Cook County Tax Assessors map doesn’t know that address, but the only thing located on Cook Street is four parcels owned by Green Tree Biomass LLC.

The Georgia Secretary of State does not list any such business in Georgia, but the Cook County Tax Assessors give an address of “2281 GRIFFIN RD, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33312”. The Florida Secretary of State does have a company by that name and address, with two people with title “MGR”: EGIZI, TONY and AGUERO, MANNY.

Spectrum Energy Georgia LLC is known to the Georgia Secretary of State, with Principal Office Address and Physical Location of Registered Agent Daniel Connell at 201 E 5th Street, Adel, GA, 31620. Also, “NAICS Sub Code: All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing”.

So energy from wood pellets. Sounds like yet another wood pellet plant for export to Europe.

The Advisory

EPD Public Advisory for the Week of October 18, 2021 (PA1021-3)

Georgia Department of Natural Resources sent this bulletin at 10/20/2021 03:14 PM EDT



The following applications have been received for Air Quality Permits. These applications are presently under review. Deadline: Any comments should be received by November 19, 2021.



Facility Name: Spectrum Energy Georgia, LLC

Application No: 28143

Facility Address: 801 Cook Street, Adel, 31620

EPD Notice Type: Permit Application

Description of Operation: Pellet Mill

Reason for Application: The construction and operation of a new pellet mill.


Facility Name: Packaging Corporation of America

Application No: 28108

Facility Address: 5495 Lake Park-Clyattville Road, Clyattville, 31601

EPD Notice Type: Permit Application

Description of Operation: Pulp and Paper Mill

Reason for Application: Replacement of the tall oil reactor.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The permit application, additional information, and EPD generated documents are available for review at the office of the Air Protection Branch, 4244 International Parkway, Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30354 by appointment only at this time. Permit applications listed above can be provided in electronic form upon request.

To comment, send written comments via email to (include “air permit application” in the subject line) or by mail to Eric Cornwell, 4244 International Parkway, Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30354.

All comments received on or prior to the deadline will be considered by the Division in making its final decision to issue the permit. Any comments requesting a public hearing must be made prior to the deadline and should specify, in as much detail as possible, the portion of the Georgia Rules for Air Quality Control or the Federal Rules which the individual making the request is concerned may not have been adequately incorporated. A public hearing may be held if the Director of the EPD finds that such a hearing would assist the EPD in a proper review of the facility’s ability to comply with the Federal and State air quality regulations.

Issued (final) permits are available for public viewing at this link:

For further information, contact Eric Cornwell, Program Manager, Stationary Source Permitting Program, Air Protection Branch, 4244 International Parkway, Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30354, (404) 363-7000;

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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