Daily Archives: February 4, 2022

Bad Neighbor Bill, GA HB 1150, would let hog CAFOs into Georgia

Like its predecessor two years ago, this GA HB 1150 would allow only a year for anyone to sue if an industrial hog farm or other such problem opened next door. Despite not being able to name any frivolous farm nuisance suits, the bill’s backers claim preventing those is their purpose. Whatever their purpose, the practical effect of this bill would be to let North Carolina-style hog CAFOs into Georgia, polluting our air and water.

Please contact your Georgia statehouse delegation and ask them to stop HB 1150. Here is a way you can find out who that is: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/

Christopher Quinn, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 2, 2022, Georgia farm legislative bill takes aim at property rights disputes,

The proposed legislation declares that any farm in operation for a year or more cannot be found by a court to be a nuisance. That added level of protection strips neighbors of their legal power to force a farm to correct a problem, such as creating overpowering odors from manure sludge ponds, opponents say.

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Clean Rivers 2022-02-03

Update 2022-02-12: Clean Rivers 2022-02-10.

Clean rivers all week, according to Valdosta in the middle and WWALS upstream and down.

There is some rain falling today in Georgia, but probably not enough to wash much into the rivers.

I would paddle this weekend. Actually, I am, tomorrow, Saturday, February 5, 2022, from US 41 on the Alapaha River to Gibson Park on the Suwannee River. Expedition leader Shirley Kokidko says, “There is limited room for vehicles at the put-in so everyone needs to park up by the highway and carry kayaks down to the river. It is muddy and slippery at the launch. I would not recommend this outing for beginners due to alot of strainers and deadfall in the river with a good current also pushing you along. The water is cold and it is predicted to be a cool day so bring a change of clothes, just in case.”

[Chart, River, Swim Guide]
Chart, River, Swim Guide

No new sewage spills have been reported. GA-EPD on January 28 did update the Ashburn 40,000 gallon January 1 spill to note correctly that Hat Creek is in the Suwannee River Basin (not Ocmulgee), after I pointed out their typo. As usual, we have seen no sign of that E. coli on the Alapaha River, nor of any from Ashburn’s 30,000 gallon January 16 spill, presumably because Ashburn is so far upstream. Continue reading