Also good. Now how about those fast food outlets and their parking lots?
Valdosta Press Release, June 20, 2022, Love Where You Live Adopt-A-Street Program,
Adopt-A-Street, Gornto Road,
Moody Air Force Base, March 15, 2013,
Valdosta road kept clean and green by AFSA Ch. 460.
The City of Valdosta’s (Love Where You Live) Adopt-A-Street Program aids in beautifying the city by cleaning up litter and debris on local roadways. The program allows organizations, businesses, or individuals to pick a street they want to take care of for at least a one-year contract. All city streets are eligible for adoption, with the exclusion of those that have active contracts.
There is no monetary fee associated with adopting a street; the minimum requirement is four annual clean-up events that the city will assist with. The city will provide all the materials needed for the clean-ups, including safety vests, trash grabbers and bags, gloves, and masks upon request. Initially, when a new street is adopted, the city will put up a sign with the organization’s name. This sign is also where groups can place their collected litter and debris after a clean-up to be gathered and disposed of by the Public Works Department.
“We will put up a sign on that street that says the name of the organization, and when they do clean-ups, if they place their trash bags by those signs, we will come and pick them up that next day or on Monday if it is over the weekend,” said Community Sustainability Coordinator, Teresa Turner.
Turner oversees the program and is currently reaching out to anyone with a contract or is about to expire. Her goal is to get these groups to renew their existing contacts; however, she will begin to put those streets on the eligible adoption list and find a new group to take over if there is no response or interest. There are presently numerous streets with a contract that needs to be renewed. The contracts must be renewed annually unless a group or organizations request to adopt them for longer.
Anyone interested in adopting a street or renewing their contract reach out to Teresa Turner at or call 229-531-3173.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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