Update 2022-07-08: WaterGoat cleanout 2022-07-03.
Valdosta has still not even acknowledged my request #12772355 to clean out the WaterGoat trash boom on Sugar Creek. I sent it five days ago, on June 30, 2022, through Valdosta’s Click ‘n’ Fix smartphone app.
Remember Sugar Creek is just upstream from the Withlacoochee River. No trash boom is designed to hold trash forever, so the WaterGoat will eventually overflow and send that trash on down the river, past the proposed site of Troupville River Camp, and on to Florida.
That was a day after our previous post about Sugar Creek trash boom after 1.5 inches rain 2022-06-29.
The Click ‘n’ Fix request was two days after I sent email to the relevant Valdosta city departments. No response from any of them, either.
It’s now two weeks since WaterGoat installed the trash boom with help from WWALS. Nobody showed up on the clock from the Valdosta city government.
We did hear Friday from a City Council member. Apparently there was some confusion about who was going to clean out the trash trap. Hint: WWALS never volunteered to do that for free, nor did anyone else who has done it before.
We are all ears to hear Valdosta’s plan to clean out this trash trap.
And to order two more, for Two Mile Branch and Three Mile Branch, and to clean those out. And to deal with the upstream fast food parking lot trash problem.
WaterGoat not cleaned out
/pictures/2022-06-30–sugar-creek-trash-boomFor more on the trash situation, see: https://wwals.net/issues/trash/
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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