Have you seen a pothole, trash on a Valdosta street, or (we hope not), a sewage spill? You can report it to Valdosta from your phone with Valdosta Click ‘N’ Fix.
Update 2022-03-07: If you see a problem somewhere else in the Suwannee River Basin, here’s how to report it: https://wwals.net/report/
You can get the Click ‘n’ Fix smartphone app:
For iPhones:
For Android:
If you should see (or smell) a sewage issue, among the issues to choose from are Manhole overflow, Sewer issues, or Water quality issues. Other water issues include Fire hydrant issues, Low pressure/no water, Storm Grates, Water in the street, Detention or Retention Ponds, and Erosion Problem.
You can send in the report as an anonymous guest, or you can make an account to follow up on your issue.
The Click ‘N’ Fix app has been in the news multiple times, such as:
- No byline, WALB, 16 February 2016, Valdosta shows off its ‘Click N Fix’ App
- No byline, WCTV, 9 January 2019, Valdosta encourages residents to use new Click ‘N’ Fix app
- Thomas Lynn, Valdosta Daily Times, 23 April 2019, City presents Click ‘N Fix to public
- No byline, ValdostaToday.com, 24 April 2019, Valdosta’s Click ‘N Fix App to Help Residents
It seemed like about time for WWALS to catch up on telling the public about this very useful Valdosta Click ‘N’ Fix app.
Here’s Valdosta’s video about this app:
Thanks to Valdosta Public Information Office Ashlyn Johnson, we know the original Valdosta press release about this app was from February 2016, Valdosta Citizen Engagement App Provides Convenient, Quick and Quality Service,
Photo: Derrek Vaughn, Valdosta Daily Times, “Ashlyn Becton, Valdosta City’s public information officer, shows how the Click ‘N Fix app works”, in
Thomas Lynn, Valdosta Daily Times, 23 April 2019,
City presents Click ‘N Fix to public.
The new Valdosta Click ‘N Fix app makes it easier than ever before for citizens to report non-emergency issues to city staff. Powered by SeeClickFix, the user-friendly tool allows residents to request city departmental services and to report quality of life issues such as potholes, damaged street signs, ordinance violations, and other issues that need attention—conveniently from the city website or any mobile devices.
The Valdosta Click ‘N Fix app was introduced in conjunction with the launch of the city’s new website. The easy-to-use app employs GPS to recognize a citizen’s location, offers a menu of common conditions to select from, and allows the user to upload pictures or videos to accompany a non-emergency service request. The mobile app may be used for a variety of other commonly reported issues such as street maintenance, broken street lights, damaged trees, overgrown lots and others.
“The City of Valdosta is excited to offer this modern engagement tool to our citizens,” said Mayor John Gayle. “To my knowledge, Valdosta is the first city in our area to deploy such an interactive citizen engagement and reporting mechanism that allows them to be more involved in the care of their city.”
Once an issue is reported via the new app, the user will receive an email message acknowledging that the service request has been received by the appropriate city staff. Citizens may opt to track their reported concerns, comment on the issue, and view and comment on other issues submitted by others.
The SeeClickFix platform also offers a centralized and integrated management system whereby Valdosta officials and staff can engage further with residents, track issues and monitor success.
“The partnership between the City of Valdosta and SeeClickFix will ensure that our citizens have the most efficient and timely method to report their concerns to the City,” said Assistant City Manager Mark Barber. “The direct reporting of issues by citizens will allow the City to further escalate the excellent customer service that our citizens have come to expect.”
Citizens should note that Valdosta Click ‘N Fix should NOT to be used for emergencies. For urgent matters that require immediate attention or a police response, call 9-1-1.
The Valdosta Click ‘N Fix app is available on the city website and may also be downloaded from the Android and iPhone mobile app stores. For more information, call Public Information Officer Sementha Mathews at 229-259-3548.
The current Valdosta PIO is, once again, Ashlyn Becton, same telephone number.
And of course you can still report sewer and other water issues to WWALS (Suwannee Riverkeeper), and not just for Valdosta; see our Contact information:
Email: wwalswatershed at gmail.com Telephone: 850-290-2350
229-242-0102Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Wwalswatershed Postal: WWALS Watershed Coalition
P.O. Box 88
Hahira, GA 31632
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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