You can comment on a proposed update to the wastewater permit for Ray City, Georgia.
Two of the eleven changes are to nitrogen and phosphorous limits to “to meet Florida’s instream … criteria at the Florida-Georgia state-line.” An ammonia limit is added. Limits are tightened on use of Dissolved Oxygen, Total Suspended Solids, and residual chorine. There appears to be no change on Fecal coliform.
This wastewater treatment plant is southwest of Ray City, where Beaverdam Creek joins Cat Creek. Cat Creek joins the Withlacoochee River upstream of Valdosta and Florida.
Map: Ray City WPCP
in the WWALS
map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT)
Public Notice: Notice of Application for a Wastewater Discharge Permit to Discharge Treated Wastewater into the Waters of the State of Georgia No. 2022-16ML
Georgia Department of Natural Resources sent this bulletin at 08/31/2022 04:08 PM EDT…
Directions on how to comment on a proposed action, comment deadlines, and obtain copies of permit files
Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed permit determinations are invited to submit same in writing to the EPD address below or via e-mail at, no later than September 30, 2022 (30-day notice period). In the case of Industrial Pretreatment Program Approvals and Modifications, comments are to be submitted to EPD no later than October 17, 2022 (45-day notice period). Please use the words “Public Notice No. 2022-16ML” and the name of the subject facility that you are commenting on in the subject line to ensure that your comments will be forwarded to the correct staff. All comments received prior to or on that date will be considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding the application. In the case of the permits which are on this notice for proposed modification, only those conditions subject to modification are open to public comment. A public hearing may be requested or additional information regarding public hearing procedures is available by writing to the EPD at 2 MLK Jr. Dr. S.W., 1152 East Tower, Atlanta, Georgia 30334.
There is more detail in the Public Notice.
Here is the draft permit, which is also on the WWALS website.
The first, Summary, page is transcribed below.
SUMMARY PAGEName of Facility: City of Ray City — Ray City WPCP
NPDES Permit No.: GA0033553
This is a reissuance of the NPDES permit for the Ray City WPCP. Up to 0.1 MGD (monthly average) of treated domestic wastewater is discharged to Cat Creek in the Suwannee River Basin. The permit expires on June 30, 2022 and became administratively extended. The permit was placed on public notice from XXXX to XXXXX.
Please Note The Following Changes to the Proposed NPDES Permit From The Existing Permit:
Part I.B — Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements:
- Revised outfall coordinates to correct a topographic error.
- Converted mass loading limits from kg/day to Ibs/day to be consistent with other NPDES permits in Georgia.
- Reduced monthly average five-day biochemical oxygen demand from 30 mg/L to 15 mg/L to meet Water Quality Standards for Dissolved Oxygen in the receiving stream along with a 36-month compliance schedule.
- Reduced monthly average TSS limit from 90 to30 mg/L in accordance with EPD’s Guidelines for Establishing Technology-Based Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Limits in Domestic Wastewater NPDES Permits, 2020 along with a 36-month compliance schedule
- Increased orthophosphate, organic nitrogen, nitrate-nitrite and total Kjeldahl nitrogen monitoring from quarterly to monthly in accordance with EPD monitoring requirements guidelines.
- Added a monthly average ammonia limit of 5.2 mg/L to meet instream water quality standards for dissolved oxygen in the receiving stream, along with a 36-month compliance schedule. The proposed limit is also in accordance with EPD’s NPDES Permitting Strategy for Addressing Ammonia Toxicity.
- Added annual average and monthly average total nitrogen limits of 20 mg/L and 25 mg/L, respectively, to meet Florida’s instream TN criteria at the Florida-Georgia state-line. A 36-month compliance schedule to meet the new limit has been included in the draft permit.
- Added a monthly average total phosphorus limit of 5.0 mg/L to meet Florida’s instream TP criteria at the Florida-Georgia state-line. A 36-month compliance schedule to meet the new limit has been included in the draft permit.
- Added a daily minimum dissolved oxygen limit of 6.0 mg/L to be protective of instream water quality standards for dissolved oxygen. A 36-month compliance schedule to meet the new limit has been included in the draft permit.
- Revised the total residual chlorine limit from 0.011 mg/L to 0.02 mg/L based on updated stream flow information.
- Removed the completed pH Compliance Schedule.
Ray City WPCP
NPDES Permit No. GA0033553August 2022
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-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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