Valdosta Utilities speedily addressed sewage smell 2022-11-18

Thanks to Valdosta Utilities for speedily fixing a sewage smell issue that someone reported anonymously and vaguely through Click ‘n’ Fix. .

[Report and fix in Seeclickfix]
Report and fix in Seeclickfix

Once Valdosta Utilities addressed Click ‘n’ Fix report 13713615, they found the manhole that was open and put its cover on.

There is room for improvement. The report was on a Friday, and there was no response until Monday. It could have been an actual sewer spill, continuing all weekend. But it wasn’t.

And although Utilities asked for better location information, they found the problem anyway and fixed it.

They didn’t say it was somebody else’s problem.

They didn’t blame the person who reported it.

They didn’t ask for volunteers to clean it up.

They got out there and did their job in one day.

[Map: One Mile Branch at Oak Street, VSU, in WWALS WLRWT map]
Map: One Mile Branch at Oak Street, VSU in the WWALS map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.

The offending manhole was on One Mile Branch downstream of Oak Street on the Valdosta State University (VSU) campus. Downstream is Sugar Creek and the Withlacoochee River.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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