Daily Archives: June 16, 2023

Very bad upstream Withlacoochee River 2023-06-15

Update 2023-06-23: Clean Withlacoochee River 2023-06-22.

The Withlacoochee River tested very bad upstream for Thursday, from Franklinville Road to US 41. Surprisingly, downstream at Clyattville-Nankin Boat Ramp it tested good, and also on the Little River at Troupville Boat Ramp.

I can only guess either the contamination has not yet washed down that far, or maybe enough rain has come down to dilute the contamination.

Even more rain is expected.

I wouldn’t swim, fish, or boat in the Withlacoochee River this weekend.

What is that contamination? Well, it’s not coming from the City of Valdosta, since Franklinville is upstream of Valdosta, and US 41 is upstream of most of that city.

We need to buy some more DNA test kits to find out, but likely scenarios include upstream cattle and hog farms (there are some), chicken manure used as fertilizer, and first flush, as in when rains come after a long dry spell the results of animals using the woods as a latrine wash into waterways.

[Chart, Rivers, Swim Guide Map 2023-06-15]
Chart, Rivers, Swim Guide Map 2023-06-15

No new sewage spills have been reported Continue reading

Cancelled: Juneteenth at Reed Bingham State Park, Little River, Reed Bingham State Park Beach, 2023-06-17

Update 2023-06-16: Cancelled due to weather reports.

[Outing Cancelled]
Outing Cancelled

More: For more WWALS outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS outings web page, https://wwals.net/outings/. WWALS members also get an upcoming list in the Tannin Times newsletter.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!

Agenda: North Central Florida Regional Planning Council 2023-06-22

It’s refeshing when a public body includes its agenda and board packet along with its meeting announcement.

[Notice and location, NCFRPC, 2023-06-23]
Notice and location, NCFRPC, 2023-06-23

Council Members, Interested Persons, and News Media,


Please be advised that there will be a Hybrid Meeting in-Person at Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, Suwannee Room, 213 Southwest Commerce Boulevard, Lake City, Florida, and via Communications Media Technology for the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

The guest speaker will Vivian Young, Communications Director, 1000 Friends of Florida.

Meeting access via communications media technology in the following format:

To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


DIAL IN NUMBER: Toll Free: 1.877.309.2073

ACCESS CODE: 939-292-965

Please find attached the meeting notice and agenda for the Council meeting.

Click on the following link for a printable version of the complete Council meeting packet.

Please let me know if you will be attending either in person or virtually. Continue reading

Final webinar, Upper and Middle Suwannee River Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs) 2023-06-23

Thanks to the anonymous tipster.

Notice: 27234319

Notice of Meeting/Workshop Hearing

Division: Suwannee River Water Management District

The Suwannee River Water Management District announces a public meeting to which all persons are invited.

DATE AND TIME: Friday, June 23, 2023, 10:00 a.m.

PLACE: Webinar

Subject: The meeting can be viewed by webinar to maximize the opportunity for public participation. The webinar is free to attend and can be accessed from a computer, tablet, or smartphone in listen only mode — comments will be received from the online audience during this meeting.

[Agenda plus map]
Agenda plus map

The purpose of the meeting is to conclude the peer review process for the Upper and Middle Suwannee River Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs). This meeting will allow for the peer reviewers to discuss any revisions to the final draft of the peer review consensus report for these MFLs. Following their discussion, the reviewers will vote to approve the peer review consensus report. These MFLs are specifically for the Upper and Middle Suwannee River segments. The District will continue to work on the MFLs for priority springs along the river based on the District’s MFL priority list schedule.

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