Update 2023-06-26: Valdosta Williams Street One Mile Branch Sewage Spill Sign 2023-06-26.
Valdosta had a sewage spill starting Wednesday and did not tell the public until Saturday at 5:14 PM.
One Mile Branch, Sugar Creek, Withlacoochee River 2023-06-24
in the WWALS
Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail
All the yellow diamonds indicate earlier Valdosta sewage spills.
Where on the more than three-mile-long One Mile Branch the spill occurred was not mentioned in the Valdosta press release. This is perhaps the most vague sewage spill press release ever from Valdosta, with no location even as precise as a block, no estimate of how much sewage was spilled, and no indication of how long it had been going on.
I have inquired about those things.
It’s good that WWALS rescheduled our chainsaw cleanup that was going to be today, on the Withlacoochee River downstream from Sugar Creek and One Mile Branch, where the spill happened.