Packet: Return of the proposed 2,109-acre rezoning for Planned Unit Development in floodplain –City of Chiefland, FL 2024-08-12

The huge PUD proposed next to Long Pond is back on the Chiefland City agenda for 6PM this evening, mostly in a floodplain, and all in the Manatee Springs Protection Area, upstream from the Suwannee River.

It appears unchanged since it was last heard June 24, and since it got pulled from the agenda for July 8.

[Agenda and Proposed Planned Land Use for Williams property]
Agenda and Proposed Planned Land Use for Williams property

Ironically, at the July 22 City Commission meeting, the Tourism Commission rep. proposed a Dark Sky Ordinance. Which would seem to be the opposite of a 2,109-acre Planned Unit Development with a 50-year plan for residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses, in an area now zoned as Agricultural / Rural Residential.

[PROP PLU Map: Proposed Planned Land Use]
PROP PLU Map: Proposed Planned Land Use

The subject property is mostly in the floodplain of Long Pond.

[Map: Floodplain, Long Pond to Suwannee River --Levy County Property Appraiser]
Map: Floodplain, Long Pond to Suwannee River –Levy County Property Appraiser

It is upstream of the Suwannee River.

[Map: Long Pond to Suwannee River --The National Map]
Map: Long Pond to Suwannee River –The National Map

It is in the Manatee Springs Priority Focus Area.

[Map: Springs Priority Focus Areas: Fanning Manatee --FDEP]
Map: Springs Priority Focus Areas: Fanning Manatee –FDEP

Which means it should be protected by FDEP’s Middle and Lower Suwannee Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) (green outline on the above map).

But the only permit I can find from SRWMD for this property is an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) for Project Number 246162 – 1 “for the construction of a permanent culverted road for silvicultural activities.” About which, “The above referenced proposed project has been determined by the Suwannee River Water Management District (District) to be an exempt activity.”

[Map: Williams-Long Pond ERP for Williams Silvicultural Road --SRWMD 2023-07-17]
Map: Williams-Long Pond ERP for Williams Silvicultural Road –SRWMD 2023-07-17

I still say that a development where “when you live in the development you don’t have to leave” is not a bad idea. But the location is unfortunate.

If you oppose this rezoning, you still have a little time to organize before this evening’s meeting.

You may want to consider joining the public facebook group RURL Residents United for Rural Levy.

I’d like to thank Belinda Wilkerson, Deputy City Clerk, for sending the agenda and board packet, which are on the WWALS website. She also pointed me to the Chiefland Comprehensive Plan:

That web page also links to the Chiefland Future Land Use Map and Zoning Atlas. However, all three of those documents are from before Chiefland annexed the subject property.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!



Ordinance 24-01

[Topic: Ordinance 24-01 - Williams Family Investments - Application CPA 24-01 Amending the Text of the Comprehensive Plan, Policy 1.1.b.1 - Second Reading]
Topic: Ordinance 24-01 – Williams Family Investments – Application CPA 24-01 Amending the Text of the Comprehensive Plan, Policy 1.1.b.1 – Second Reading

Ordinance 24-02

[Topic: Ordinance Number 24-02 Comprehensive Plan Amendment 24-02 - Williams Second Reading]
Topic: Ordinance Number 24-02 Comprehensive Plan Amendment 24-02 – Williams Second Reading

Ordinance 24-03

[Topic: Ordinance Number 24-03 Zoning Change Application Z24-01 - Williams]
Topic: Ordinance Number 24-03 Zoning Change Application Z24-01 – Williams

Minutes 2024-07-22

[Group Health Insurance and Engineering Services Agreement for the FDEP Drinking Water State Revolving Fund]
Group Health Insurance and Engineering Services Agreement for the FDEP Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!