Here’s the letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that the Hamilton BOCC voted unanimously 15 March 2016 to send. Other counties in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama may want to send similar letters.
District 1 — Jennings
District 2 — Jasper
District 3 — Jasper
District 4 — White Springs
District 5 — JasperHAMILTON COUNTY
Office of
Board Of County CommissmnersGREG GODWIN
Clerk of Courts
County Attorney207 Northeast First Street
Room 106
Jasper, Florida 32052
(386) 792-1288
FAX (386) 792-3524Attn: Mark R. Evans, Senior Project Manager,
Jacksonville Permits Section
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Division
Post Office Box 4970
Jacksonville, Florida 32232RE: Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
FERC Document No. CP15-17-000Dear Mr. Evans:
The Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County recently received the Environmental Geology report prepared by Dennis Price and dated 10/25/2015, a copy of which is attached hereto.
If you will note, the findings of Mr. Price directly contradict the representations made by Sabal Trail advocates during the permitting process.
Please consider this letter as a formal request that the Army Corp of Engineers makes a site inspection to determine the actual proximity of active sinkholes and other features of the aquifer and cave systems to the proposed pipeline route.
Randy Ogburn, Chairman
On behalf of the Hamilton County Board
of County Commissioners,gh
Thanks to Hamilton County Coordinator Louie Goodwin for getting this letter
to WWALS via WWALS board member and Hamilton County resident Chris Mericle.
I don’t have PDF; t They sent an image so as to include the signature. Here is a PDF that is just the image wrapped up in PDF format. It’s the same image you see below.
In addition to Dennis Price’s geology report, I think they sent the Corps the entire packet WWALS sent them before they voted.
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