Slab curing at Naylor Boat Ramp 2019-05-21

The concrete was curing Tuesday, May 21, 2019, that was poured after May 8, following the bed built by April 30.

[With representative human]
With representative human

Many people want to know: when will Lowndes County slide this slab down into the river? I am not Lowndes County Project Manager Chad McLeod, but my guess is this coming Tuesday.


[From slab]
From slab


[From slab]
From slab


[From slab]
From slab


[Muddy at boom]
Muddy at boom

Local politics

[Scruggs and Reames]
Scruggs and Reames


This way to the Lola Tract WMA aka Lola Tract VPA. Just remember, the Naylor Boat Ramp park, with ramp and beach, is not the WMA, so if any confused game warden should say otherwise, ask him to call the county.

[New entrance]
New entrance


[North side]
North side

Parking lot

[Looking towards entrance]
Looking towards entrance


[With Lowndes County truck]
With Lowndes County truck


Remember, the Naylor Boat Ramp park, with ramp and beach, is not the WMA, so if any confused game warden should say otherwise, ask him to call the county.


Trash can

VLPRA says yes, someone will pick up this trash. Thanks again, VLPRA, for putting that trash can there.

[With Gretchen]
With Gretchen


[With sides]
With sides

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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