Update 2022-01-21: Sullivan Slough and Blue Sink by Amanda Davis 2022-01-18.
Sullivan Slough is the real name of what we’ve been calling Chervil Drive Distributary, and Blue Sink is what local people call Chervil Drive Sinkhole.
Sullivan Blue Sink is where Withlacoochee River water ends up after flowing into Sullivan Slough, 0.83 miles downstream from Florida Campsites Boat Ramp, 0.73 miles upstream from the FL 6 bridge, and 0.83 miles up from Madison Blue Spring.
Traditionally, this has been a popular local swimming spot. However, the land containing the sink sold recently, so status is unclear now. We do have an offer from somebody with land nearby to tour the area.
Susan Liden sent these pictures. Thanks, Susan!
This one I think is particularly impressive.
A panorama.
And the sink itself.
Here’s a rough map of Sullivan Slough as pointed out by Tom Baird.
Chervil Distributary, Withlacoochee River, Madison County, FL, in the WWALS
map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT).
And here’s a context map, showing it half way between Florida Campsites Ramp and Madison Blue Spring.
0.83 miles downstream from Florida Campsites Ramp and 0.84 miles upstream from Madison Blue Springs State Park Launch,
in the WWALS
WLRWT map.
Surface water constantly interchanges with groundwater, all the way down to the Floridan Aquifer.
And more pictures have arrived. Stay tuned for another post.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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