Tag Archives: auction

Pre-Holiday Auction until 2020-12-12

Until December 12, 2020, you can get a chance at a kayak or some smaller merchandise two ways, also helping WWALS with outings, cleanups, water quality testing, and advocacy.

Pre-Holiday Auction

Expedition, paintings, archery, racks, fit, fleece, and cake!

[Pre-Holiday Auction through 2020-12-12]
Pre-Holiday Auction through 2020-12-12

The auction is online:

Kayak Raffle

[Kayak Raffle Poster, drawing 2020-12-12]
Kayak Raffle Poster, drawing 2020-12-12

Suggested Donation $5.00 for one ticket; $20.00 for five tickets:
https://wwals.net/?p=53215 Continue reading

River Pictures by Bryan Garris for WWALS Water Trail Workshop @ VSU 2016-02-27

This Saturday, day after tomorrow, is the Withlacoochee and Little River Workshop at VSU! Wacissa tree Art exhibit and auction organizer Julie Bowland sent these pictures by Bryan Garris, saying:

I will have an assortment of painting sizes on easels. I’m thinking there will be around 20 easel works and a table full of matted photographs. There will be a minimum bid set by individual artists, with 20% going to WWALS.

You can also bring your own artwork or objects to donate to WWALS for auction. See you there! Continue reading