Tag Archives: Blueways

Your donation matched up to $1,000 during Georgia Gives

We have a donor who will match donations up to $1000 during Georgia Gives and 2019 Day of Giving. We need you to make a donation and help us get this generous donation.


[WWALS #RiversAlive Pafford's Landing]
Photo: Gretchen Quarterman, WWALS #RiversAlive Pafford’s Landing

Every little bit helps us work for clean, fishable, swimmable, boatable water.

From monthly full moon outings at Banks Lake, to exposing wastewater spills, to water quality testing, to trash pickups along the rivers, to promoting water trails and solar power, to opposing phosphate and titanium mines, LNG, and fracking, WWALS members are working to make the Suwannee River Basin a better place to live, work, and play.

Please give generously and help us get our $1,000 matching donation.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Alapaha River Water Trail letter to Lowndes County Commission

Delivered on paper to Commissioner Joyce E. Evans a week ago, and sent by email to all the Lowndes County Commissioners today, with attached PDF. -jsq

WWALS Watershed Coalition
3338 Country Club Road #L336
Valdosta, GA 31605
11 September 2014

Re: Alapaha Water Trail

Dear Lowndes County Commissioners,

WWALS Watershed Coalition is implementing a small grant from Georgia River Network (GRN) to establish an Alapaha River Water Trail. Map, in Alapaha River Water Trail, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 23 September 2014 In addition, a grant application opportunity has come up that could result in funding to Lowndes County for related facilities, and perhaps to extend that Water Trail into a system of Blueways also including the Withlacoochee and Little Rivers. In addition to improving local quality of life, either or both could contribute to the economy of Lowndes County by bringing in boaters on the rivers who would buy locally, and providing features attractive to knowledge-based businesses and their employees. All at little or no cost to the county plus grant funding.

The GRN grant involves Continue reading

Blueway Trails in South Georgia?

In the Lanier County Advocate today:

300x860 Blueways clipping, in Blueway Trails in South Georgia?, by Christopher Lee Graham, for WWALS.net, 25 June 2014 Blue Trails are marked routes that take visitors along rivers, lakes, canals and coastlines. Water trails not only require suitable access points and take-outs for exits but also provide place ashore to camp and picnic and points of interest for canoeists, paddle boarders, boaters, kayakers and rafts. Some trails maybe suitable for float tubing. Blueways are typically developed by the state, county or local municipalities to encourage recreation, ecological education and preservation of wildlife resources.

As a Naylor resident I urge the surrounding county residents to contact their local commissioner and demand all public access to the Alapaha river to be tie into the #Regional_ Water_ Trails_System.

Here are some of the benefits Continue reading