Tag Archives: concrete

Concrete around Sabal Trail pipe on Sand Mine Road 2017-02-07, 2017-02-21

Concreted pipe on Sand Mine Road at Greenbay Road 28.3110870, -81.6904770 In what document did FERC permit concrete wrapped around Sabal Trail pipe?

Concreted pipe detail 28.3100000, -81.6808333 And why was concreted pipe still being trucked in yesterday, two weeks after these aerials?

Pictures by Jim Tatum from Southwings flight for WWALS 7 Feb 2017

Sabal Trail down Sand Mine Road 28.3105110, -81.6738150

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Blocked: Hotchkiss Landing closed by big blocks of concrete, October 2010

Why was a public road, Old State Road, blocked by concrete blocks from late 2010 through at least early 2012, right at Hotchkiss Landing on the Alapaha River in Lowndes County, Georgia?

According to two witnesses, this is what Old State Road at Hotchkiss Landing looked like shortly after the Lowndes County Commission decision of 26 October 2010 to keep the road open:

Seen from north side
Picture by Cactus Clyde on flickr, who wrote:
“Alapaha River a mile upstream pf the US84 bridge (on the Hotchkiss Road) east of Naylor, GA- river level 77.96′ at Statenville, GA on 12/11/11. No acces on the west side any longer- this was taken looking west.”

April Huntley says “It happened right after the decision to not close the road.” Chris Graham says this was “Few days after we won.” According to the date on that picture, the road was still blocked 11 December 2011.

Google Earth shows that same blockage for 14 January 2012 in imagery taken by NASA, and that’s also what the current google map shows:

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