Tag Archives: CSX

Sabal Trail now aims to cross Withlacoochee River north of US 84

Drilling down in Brooks County, under the Withlacoochee River, 300x200 STA. 12189+00 TO STA. 12242+00, Withlacoochee River, US84, Brooks and Lowndes Counties, in Lowndes County, GA, by Sabal Trail Transmission, for WWALS.net, 14 August 2015 the CSX Railroad, and Old Quitman Highway, surfacing in Lowndes County, Sabal Trail has moved its proposed Withlacoochee HDD crossing upstream. The actual river crossing appears to be at about 30.795273, -83.452722.

This is all according to Continue reading

Two GA-EPD water advisories about US 84 widening project

Thirty-day comment periods closing 12 August 2015 to comment on the US 84 widening project, say 300x175 Greasy Branch, CSX Railroad, Upper Suwannee River Watershed, in Two GA-EPD water advisories about US 84 widening project, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 13 July 2015 two Public Advisories from GA-EPD Watershed Protection Branch. One is in the Satilla River watershed, about “two existing open water ponds (outflowing into jusrisdictional[sic] wetlands associated with Lees Branch)”: those ponds are next to the groundwater-contaminating CSX railyard in Waycross. One is in the Upper Suwannee River watershed, about “three existing open water ponds (outflowing into jusrisdictional[sic] waters associated with Greasy Creek and the CSX railroad)”. Maybe the Southern Environmental Law Center letter to GDOT and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers got some results, although these advisories are from a different state agency.

The Upper Suwannee one starts at Continue reading

Lanier Park to CSX RR track Hotchkiss Road, WWALS outing 2015-07-11

Update 10 July 2015: Outing leader Chris Graham says there’s plenty of water, so we’ll be putting in on the Alapaha River tomorrow morning at Lanier Park. However, he says we’ll be taking out at Hotchkiss Road (instead of CSX RR), so about 14 miles or seven hours. Bring your lunch and plenty of water. See you at 8AM. -jsq

Breeze over mild rapids past sand beaches on the Alapaha River, from Lakeland to US 84.

It’s long, but there should be no deadfalls. In most places the river may be so low you could stand up, but as always bring your personal flotation device.

When: 8AM Saturday, July 11th, 2015
What: 15 mile paddle from Lanier Park to CSX RR track on the public right way.
Duration: 7-8 hours, after a 30 minute shuttle
Directions: Highway 122 about 1.5 miles west of Lakeland, GA, turn south on unmarked dirt road just west of river to ramp.
Responsible party: Chris Graham

This event is FREE! All we ask is that you are a current member of WWALS Watershed Coalition. If not, it’s easy Continue reading

WWALS in Waycross at EPA Seven Out Superfund meeting

It’s a serious situation in Waycross, with people getting sick and dying. The contamination, whatever it is, may have crossed into WWALS watersheds, as well. Good interactions between WWALS, Satilla Riverkeeper, and silentdisaster.org, plus EPA, GA EPD, and GA Health Dept.

Matthew J. Huyser, EPA (l. standing blue shirt), Jim Brown, GA EPD (c. standing white shirt), Ashby Nix, Satilla Riverkeeper (facing Brown, paper in hand), Joan Martin McNeal, silentdisaster.org (r. in group)

For details, see these posts on Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE): Continue reading