Tag Archives: Hahira Honeybee Festival

Pictures: Hahira Honeybee Parade 2023-10-07

Thanks to Cindy Vedas for paddling the Eddyline Sandpiper raffle kayak in the Hahira Honeybee Festival parade.

Raffle tickets are $100, and the winner will be drawn when 30 are taken.

[Cindy Vedas in kayak, Paddling, Train depot, WWALS booth @ Hahira Honeybee parade 2023-10-07]
Cindy Vedas in kayak, Paddling, Train depot, WWALS booth @ Hahira Honeybee parade 2023-10-07

Thanks to WWALS booth volunteers Kimberly Tanner, Jo Ford, Rindy Kennedy, Jan Powell, Gee Edwards, Michael Bachrach, and anybody else I have neglected to name.

Thanks especially to WWALS Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman for organizing the WWALS booth.

There are more pictures below.

See also Kimberly Tanner’s facebook video of the WWALS parade float from the WWALS booth, and the Friday pictures.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!

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Pictures: Hahira Honeybee Friday 2023-10-06

Update 2023-10-09: Pictures: Hahira Honeybee Parade 2023-10-07.

More volunteers came later, to the Hahira Honeybee Festival.

[Booth, antique cars, Hahira City Manager, Hahira Honeybee Festival 2023]
Booth, antique cars, Hahira City Manager, Hahira Honeybee Festival 2023

Come see us today!

WWALS members can help at the booth.

And if you get there before noon, you can be in the parade! Continue reading

WWALS at Hahira Honeybee Festival 2023-10-06-07

Update 2023-10-07: Pictures: Hahira Honeybee Friday 2023-10-06.

Join us with 30,000 of our closest friends at the Hahira Honeybee Festival.

WWALS members can help at the booth Friday and Saturday, and maybe be in the parade on Saturday!

[WWALS Booth and in parade at Hahira Honeybee 2022, and Honeybee Linemen 2023]
WWALS Booth and in parade at Hahira Honeybee 2022 and Honeybee Linemen 2023

That’s in Hahira, Georgia, population 3,384, between the Little River at Folsom Bridge and the Withlacoochee River at Hagan Bridge on the WWALS Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail, which Hahira supports with a resolution. Continue reading

Pictures: Hahira Honeybee 2021-10-02

First time we were a dignitary in the parade at the 40th Annual Hahira Honeybee Festival.

[Parade Float, WWALS Booth]
Parade Float, WWALS Booth

Here’s a video Gretchen took:

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WWALS at Hahira Honeybee Festival 2021-10-01-02

Join us at the 40th Annual Hahira Honeybee Festival, at the WWALS booth about water quality testing, water trails, paddle outings, holding polluters accountable, all to make sure that water in our area is swimmable, fishable, drinkable. Come help us spread the water word.

Volunteer: You can help at the WWALS booth; send us email to contact@suwanneeriverkeeper.org.
Do you want to parade with us Saturday, with our truck, trailer, and a boat? Need to be lined up by 10AM for the parade at noon.

When: 10AM-6PM, Friday, October 1, 2021
9AM-6PM, Saturday, October 2, 2021

Where: West Main Street, Hahira, Georgia

Theme: “Protecting our Youth Preserving our Future!” honoring the Georgia Sheriffs’ Boys Ranch located in Hahira Ga.

Event: facebook

Families, Gretchen making rain, Enviroscape
Photo: John S. Quarterman, of Gretchen Quarterman making rain on the Enviroscape for a family, Honeybee 2018. Thanks for the donation of the EnviroScape, Savannah Barry and Nature Coast Biological Station.

Hahira is in between the Little River and the Withlacoochee River. Continue reading

WWALS at Hahira Honeybee Festival 2019-10-04-05

Join us at the 38th Annual Hahira Honeybee Festival, at the WWALS booth about water quality testing, water trails, paddle outings, holding polluters accountable, all to make sure that water in our area is swimmable, fishable, drinkable. Come help us spread the water word.

When: 10AM-6PM, Friday, October 4, 2019
9AM-6PM, Saturday, October 5, 2019

Where: West Main Street, Hahira, Georgia

Theme: “Teachers, changing our world one child at a time!”

Volunteer: You can help at the WWALS booth. Sign up on this form or send us email.

Event: facebook

Families, Gretchen making rain, Enviroscape
Photo: John S. Quarterman, of Gretchen Quarterman making rain on the Enviroscape for a family, Honeybee 2018. Thanks for the donation of the EnviroScape, Savannah Barry and Nature Coast Biological Station.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Pictures, Hahira Honeybee Saturday 2018-10-06

Best parade ever! Saturday noon at the Hahira Honeybee Festival:

by Allison B. Freeman, Parade
Photo: Allison B. Freeman

We had quite a crew this time: Continue reading

Pictures, Hahira Honeybee Friday 2018-10-05

Gretchen and Dave and me had a fine time Friday at the Hahira Honeybee Festival. Families really like the EnviroScape. Come on down today and see Bobby and the McKenzie clan march in the parade with Suwannee Riverkeeper!

Family, Enviroscape, Gretchen, Enviroscape
Family, Enviroscape, Gretchen Quarterman

Thanks for the donation of the EnviroScape, Continue reading

WWALS at Hahira Honeybee Festival 2018-10-05-06

Join us at the 37th Annual Hahira Honeybee Festival, at the WWALS booth about water quality testing, water trails, paddle outings, holding poluters accountable, all to make sure that water in our area is swimmable, fishable, drinkable. Come help us spread the water word.

When: 9AM-6PM, Friday and Saturday, 5,6 October 2018

Where: West Main Street, Hahira, Georgia

Volunteer: You can help at the WWALS booth. Sign up on this form or send us email.

Event: facebook, meetup

Scotti Jay, Sara Squires, Afternoon

You can march with us in the parade: Continue reading

Hahira Honeybee Saturday 2017-10-07

With 25,000 of our closest friends at the Hahira Honeybee Festival. Maybe it was the Morrocco Shriners, but it was magic.

Levitating kayak, Suwannee Riverkeeper

For comparison, Hahira’s 2016 population was 2,937.

Lined up down Main Street, Driving

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