Tag Archives: kayak raffle

Video: Kayak raffle drawing for Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak at Banks Lake 2024-12-15

Update 2024-12-22: Raffle Kayak Winner: Belinda Edwards Herndon 2024-12-19.

WWALS Board Member Kim Tanner, assisted by Board Member Janet Martin and other paddlers at Banks Lake, determined the winner of the raffle for the Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak.

[Video: Kayak raffle drawing for Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak, at Banks Lake, by Kim and Ryan Tanner]
Video: Kayak raffle drawing for Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak, at Banks Lake, by Kim and Ryan Tanner

People got their raffle tickets online, at various festivals and outings, at the WWALS River Revue, etc.

Kim shook them all up and Ryan drew the winner.

Here is video:

And the winner is… Continue reading

Raffle: Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak drawing later in the day Sunday and at Banks Lake 2024-12-15

Update 2024-12-16: Video: Kayak raffle drawing for Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak at Banks Lake 2014-12-15.

Update 2024-12-13: The raffle drawing will still be on Sunday, December 15, 2024. However, it will be later in the day, at 4:45 PM, and at Banks Lake Boat Ramp, 307 Georgia 122, Lakeland, GA 31635, in Lanier County, on the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT). You have until noon Sunday to get your tickets.

WWALS is raffling this slightly-used 12-foot 9-inch sit-on-top kayak with paddle, a Hurricane Skimmer 128.

New, it lists for $1,399.

The suggested donation is $10 for one ticket or $50 for six tickets.

Tickets are available online in person at WWALS events, or online with small fees.

Kayak Raffle Tickets

A single ticket is $10 + $1 fee:

Six tickets online are $50 + $1.50 fee:

[Raffle: Hurricane Skimmer 128 Sit-On-Top Kayak with Paddle]
Raffle: Hurricane Skimmer 128 Sit-On-Top Kayak with Paddle

Proceeds go to support the advocacy and activities of WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc., and IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational charity.
https://wwals.net/donations/ Continue reading

Raffle: Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak

Update 2024-12-16: Video: Kayak raffle drawing for Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak at Banks Lake 2014-12-15.

Update 2024-12-13: The raffle drawing will still be on Sunday, December 15, 2024. However, it will be later in the day, at 4:45 PM, and at Banks Lake Boat Ramp, 307 Georgia 122, Lakeland, GA 31635, in Lanier County, on the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT). You have until noon Sunday to get your tickets.

WWALS is raffling this slightly-used 12-foot 9-inch sit-on-top kayak with paddle, a Hurricane Skimmer 128.

New, it lists for $1,399.

The suggested donation is $10 for one ticket or $50 for six tickets.

Tickets are available online in person at WWALS events, or online with small fees.

Kayak Raffle Tickets


A single ticket is $10 + $1 fee:

Six tickets online are $50 + $1.50 fee:

[Raffle: Hurricane Skimmer 128 Sit-On-Top Kayak with Paddle]
Raffle: Hurricane Skimmer 128 Sit-On-Top Kayak with Paddle

Proceeds go to support the advocacy and activities of WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc., and IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational charity.
https://wwals.net/donations/ Continue reading

Fun race or paddle for the whole family: the Ninth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race

Update 2021-04-25: BIG Little River Paddle Race is cancelled due to weather.

Postponed due to weather to 2PM, Sunday, April 25, 2021.


Adel, Georgia, March 22, 2021 — You could win in any of a dozen categories, or up to $300 if you beat the previous winning record time. But you are not required to race: it’s a nice spring paddle anyway! On Saturday, April 24, 2021, in Reed Bingham State Park, between Adel and Moultrie, Georgia, it’s the ninth annual BIG Little River Paddle Race. There will be lunch and a kayak raffle. You can just paddle along this scenic three-mile stretch of tea-colored river on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail among cypress trees, turtles, birds, and yes, alligators. (Don’t pet the alligators and they aren’t likely to bother you.) This race also has fierce competitors, with one past winner finishing in barely more than half an hour.

BLRPR mastermind Bret Wagenhorst, an eye doctor in Tifton, GA, and a charter board member of WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS), said, “After having to cancel last year’s event due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we found a way this year, with staggered heats and limited boats, to try to keep the event within Covid guidelines for outdoor activities. This is a great opportunity to learn about the joys of paddling canoes and kayaks, to see the natural beauty of our region’s blackwater rivers, and to have fun while getting some outdoor exercise with family and friends.”

There are several categories in which you could win, from fastest paddler, one and two person canoe (male and female), solo or tandem kayak (male and female), youngest paddler, oldest paddler, paddler from furthest away, and slowest paddler.

[Tandem female canoe, orange (BW)]
Photo: Bret Wagenhorst, of 2019 First female tandem kayak: Megan Robinson & Lily Robinson, of Tifton, GA.

Dianne Walters, president of Friends of Reed Bingham State Park (FORB), said, “This is a great community event, with volunteers from all around helping paddlers from everywhere.”

Wagenhorst added, “in 2019, the first woman across the finish in a solo kayak was Nikki York, of Adel, GA. And for the first time, a canoe finished first to win the $100 cash prize. It was a two-person canoe of gentlemen from Gray, GA: Continue reading

Reports for WWALS Annual Member Meeting and Board Meeting 2020-07-12

Today at 2PM, WWALS will elect some new board members and new officers, in two meetings, both online, Sunday, July 12, 2020.

The full agendas with reports are online now, so those of you who attend the meetings can follow along.

When: 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020

Where: Online: Join Zoom Meeting
ZOOM Meeting ID: 896 2594 8199
Password: Annual
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,89625948199#,,,,0#,,828964#
Dial In: +1 929 436 2866 Meeting ID: 896 2594 8199 Meeting Password: 828964

Event: facebook

WWALS Annual Member Meeting

[WWALS Annual Member Meeting]
WWALS Annual Member Meeting

WWALS Members will hear and approve an annual report, and then elect some board members, at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, to be held online this year, at 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020. Finally, we will select and announce the kayak raffle winner!

Then stay tuned for the board meeting with election of officers, financial report, etc. Continue reading

WWALS Annual Member Meeting and Board Meeting 2020-07-12

Update 2020-07-12: Full agendas with reports.

WWALS will elect some new board members and new officers in two meetings on Sunday, July 12, 2020, both online. Plus a kayak raffle winner!

When: 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020

Where: Online: see zoom parameters

Event: facebook

WWALS Annual Member Meeting

[WWALS Annual Member Meeting]
WWALS Annual Member Meeting

WWALS Members will hear and approve an annual report, and then elect some board members, at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, to be held online this year, at 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020. Finally, we will select and announce the kayak raffle winner! Continue reading

Postponed: Eighth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race

Due to the pandemic of the novel Coronavirus, and to help prevent the spread of the virus-caused disease COVID-19, WWALS and FORB are postponing the Eighth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race (BLRPR), until a date to be announced later.

Anyone who has bought a BLRPR ticket and wants a refund, let us know. Otherwise, all tickets will remain valid at the eventual rescheduled date and time.

If Georgia state parks are open at the originally scheduled date and race start time of 9:30 AM, Saturday, April 25, 2020, one or two WWALS members will livestream from the BLRPR site and race course; six feet apart, of course. Stay tuned for details.


For more Continue reading

Eighth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race 2020-04-25

Update 2020-03-23: Postponed due to virus pandemic; refunds available or tickets carry over; we will livestream at the originally-scheduled date, if Georgia state parks are open.


Race or paddle, fun for the whole family: the Eighth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race

Adel, Georgia, February 18, 2020 — You could win in any of a dozen categories. But you are not required to race: it’s a nice spring paddle anyway! On Saturday, April 25, 2020, in Reed Bingham State Park, between Adel and Moultrie, Georgia, it’s the eighth annual BIG Little River Paddle Race. There will be lunch, a kayak raffle, and a silent auction afterwards. You can just paddle along this scenic stretch of tea-colored river on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail among cypress, turtles, birds, and yes, alligators. (Don’t pet them and they won’t bother you.) This three-mile race also has fierce competitors, with last year’s winner finishing in barely more than half an hour.

BLRPR mastermind Bret Wagenhorst, an eye doctor in Tifton, GA, and a charter board member of WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS), said, “You can win in any of a dozen categories: one- or two-person canoe or kayak, male or female or mixed, as well as oldest, youngest, and from farthest away.”

[Tandem female canoe, orange (BW)]
Photo: Bret Wagenhorst, of 2019 First female tandem kayak:

Dianne Walters, president of Friends of Reed Bingham State Park (FORB), said, “This is a great community event, with volunteers from all around helping paddlers from everywhere.”

Wagenhorst added, “Last year, the first woman across the finish in a solo kayak was Nikki York, of Adel, GA. And for the first time, a canoe finished first to win the $100 cash prize. It was a two-person canoe of gentlemen from Gray, GA: Continue reading