Tag Archives: Annual Report

Agendas: WWALS Annual Member and Quarterly Board Meetings 2021-07-18

Here are the online conferencing parameters and the agendas for today’s WWALS Annual Member Meeting and Quarterly Board Meeting, both to take place via zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting
ZOOM Meeting ID: 875 6922 7874
Password: Annual

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,87569227874#,,,,*277323#
Dial In: +1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 875 6922 7874
Meeting Password: 277323

WWALS members will hear an annual report and elect some new board members.

Then the board members will elect some new officers and proceed with usual business.

When: 2PM, Sunday, July 18, 2021

Where: Online: see above for zoom parameters

Event: facebook

Board and officers: are listed online here: https://wwals.net/about/board/

[Agendas, Annual Member Meeting, Quarterly Board Meeting, WWALS]
Agendas, Annual Member Meeting, Quarterly Board Meeting, WWALS

WWALS Annual Member Meeting

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Notice: WWALS Annual Member Meeting and Board Meeting 2021-07-18

Update 2021-07-18: Agendas and Zoom parameters.

WWALS will elect some new board members and new officers in two meetings on Sunday, July 18, 2021, both online.

When: 2PM, Sunday, July 18, 2021

Where: Online: zoom parameters will be posted

Event: facebook

Agendas: for both meetings will be posted before the meetings.

Board and officers: are listed online here: https://wwals.net/about/board/

[WWALS Logo]

WWALS Annual Member Meeting

WWALS Members will hear and approve an annual report, and then elect some board members, at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, to be held online this year, at 2PM, Sunday, July 18, 2021.

WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting

At 2:45 PM, the WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting will convene, also online, using the same zoom meeting parameters. The public is invited, but only WWALS board members will vote. The board will elect officers, including President, Treasurer, and Secretary: some may be the same, others will be different. Then the board and new officers will review and approve a financial report and budget, and conduct other business.

Much of the work of WWALS is done by committees of members, and many of them have good results to report.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Reports for WWALS Annual Member Meeting and Board Meeting 2020-07-12

Today at 2PM, WWALS will elect some new board members and new officers, in two meetings, both online, Sunday, July 12, 2020.

The full agendas with reports are online now, so those of you who attend the meetings can follow along.

When: 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020

Where: Online: Join Zoom Meeting
ZOOM Meeting ID: 896 2594 8199
Password: Annual
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,89625948199#,,,,0#,,828964#
Dial In: +1 929 436 2866 Meeting ID: 896 2594 8199 Meeting Password: 828964

Event: facebook

WWALS Annual Member Meeting

[WWALS Annual Member Meeting]
WWALS Annual Member Meeting

WWALS Members will hear and approve an annual report, and then elect some board members, at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, to be held online this year, at 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020. Finally, we will select and announce the kayak raffle winner!

Then stay tuned for the board meeting with election of officers, financial report, etc. Continue reading

WWALS Annual Member Meeting and Board Meeting 2020-07-12

Update 2020-07-12: Full agendas with reports.

WWALS will elect some new board members and new officers in two meetings on Sunday, July 12, 2020, both online. Plus a kayak raffle winner!

When: 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020

Where: Online: see zoom parameters

Event: facebook

WWALS Annual Member Meeting

[WWALS Annual Member Meeting]
WWALS Annual Member Meeting

WWALS Members will hear and approve an annual report, and then elect some board members, at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, to be held online this year, at 2PM, Sunday, July 12, 2020. Finally, we will select and announce the kayak raffle winner! Continue reading

Kayak Raffle drawing at WWALS Annual Member Meeting 2019-07-14

WWALS banner 2019 Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Member Meeting
2:00-2:30 PM, Sunday, 14 July 2019, followed by the WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
South Georgia Regional Library,
2906 Julia Dr, Valdosta, GA 31602

Dial-in Number: (712) 770-5505
Meeting ID: 855-676
facebook event

Presentation of annual report, election of board members and selection of kayak raffle winner!

Kayak, Raffle
The Hobie Mirage Outback raffle kayak, donated by Dr. Tom Phillips.

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net/board.

  1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions Continue reading

Kayak Raffle drawing at WWALS Annual Member Meeting 2018-07-08

Events: facebook, Meetup.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Membership Meeting
2:00 PM Sunday 8 July 2018, followed by the WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602

Presentation of annual report, election of board members and selection of kayak raffle winner!

Kayak, Raffle
The raffle kayak at Little River Fest, Reed Bingham State Park, April 14, 2018.

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net/board: Continue reading

Online closed: last chance for kayak Raffle tickets tonight 7PM at Annual WWALS Member Meeting 2017-07-12

Online tickets are closed so there will be no confusion about last-minute tickets. If you want to buy a kayak raffle ticket you’ll need to come to the WWALS Annual Member Meeting tonight at 7PM. There you’ll also get to hear the annual report and, if you’re a member, vote on the election of some board members. Or if you just want to know if you won, you can dial in.

WWALS Annual Meeting
7:00 PM Wednesday 12 July 2017
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602
Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3580
Meeting ID: 855-676
Event: facebook

Follow this link for the agenda.

Kayak being raffled

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Kayak Raffle to be selected at Annual WWALS Member Meeting 2017-07-12

Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Meeting
7:00 PM Wednesday 12 July 2017, followed by WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602
Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3580
Meeting ID: 855-676
Event: facebook

Presentation of annual report, election of board members and selection of kayak raffle winner! Until then, you can still get your raffle ticket Last chance to get a raffle ticket is at the Annual Member Meeting.

Pelican Icon 100X Angler 10-foot sit-on-top fishing kayak, with paddle

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are Continue reading

2014-2015 WWALS Annual Report

The Annual Report for 2014-2015 that was accepted by the WWALS membership at the Annual Meeting in June 2015 is now online.

Also online are the previous two Annual Reports. Taken consecutively, they show three years of accomplishment.

2012-2013 Annual Report

The first Report noted: Continue reading