Tag Archives: Keith Perry

Letter: WWALS to FDEP and SRWMD: acquisitions, invitations, withdrawals, water quality testing 2020-11-10

Sent yesterday afternoon after the morning SRWMD board meeting.

November 10, 2020

To: Noah Valenstein
Secretary, FDEP

Hugh Thomas
Executive Director, SRWMD

Sen. Keith Perry

Cc: Scott R. Koons
E.D., Rivers Task Force

Re: land acquisitions, event invitations, water withdrawals, and water quality testing

Dear Secretary Valenstein, Director Thomas, and Sen. Perry,

This morning I spoke via gotowebinar in the SRWMD Board Meeting. This letter expands on what I said.

[WWALS letter to FDEP and SRWMD]
WWALS letter to FDEP and SRWMD

I offered compliments, a suggestion, and a recommendation on the FDEP press release of yesterday: Continue reading