Update 2022-07-20: better picture labels and access.
A fine day, balmy, breezy, sunny, with springs and rapids and fine company,
from Sullivan Launch to Madison Blue Spring on the Withlacoochee River,
in the October WWALS Outing, October 24, 2015.
This is part of the
Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail,
and you can join the committee!
Below are some pictures. Click on any small picture to see a larger version. Pictured: many shoals and rapids. The Pinetta gage (pictured) read 6.4 feet. Any lower and more dragging boats would have been necessary. Lots of cypress, oaks, pines, and other native species.
Not pictured: a large turtle, numerous birds (heron, ibis, hawk, buzzard, others),
and fish (mullet, bass).
No gators.
Very few invasive species, except the notorious Japanese climbing fern.
Coming up next: Continue reading