Tag Archives: SSRWPC

Notice: Nashville, GA, meeting, Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council 2023-03-14

Update 2023-03-22: Videos: Lake Beatrice, Alapaha River, GA-EPD Seed Grants @ SSRWPC 2023-03-14.

They’re meeting in Nashville, Georgia, on March 14th, the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Registration: 10:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.

Meeting: 10:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.

[Notice, Counties]
Notice, Counties

Note: This Meeting may be attended In-Person or Virtually via the MS Teams Link with Call-In Information Provided Below

Nashville Community Center
102 N Jefferson St
Nashville, GA 31639

If you are planning to attend the meeting in-person please send your RSVP notice to woodsh@cdmsmith.com so we can ensure we do not exceed the venue capacity.

For Virtual Attendance use this link: Continue reading

Video: Summary of water quality testing at Lowndes County Commission 2022-10-11

Most of the Lowndes County Commissioners were not familiar with the water quality testing WWALS is doing, and now they are.

[Summary of WWALS water quality testing @ LCC 2022-10-11]
Summary of WWALS water quality testing @ LCC 2022-10-11

Here’s the video: Continue reading

Tifton: Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council 2022-11-02

The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council (SSRWPC) is gathering information on river conditions, such as water level too high or too low to paddle, and fish habitat information. So if you are an outfitter or other knowledgeable person, you may want to attend, in person or via telephone or teams. Dr. Wei Zeng has already done this for some other RWPCs, and now he is doing it for SSRWPC.

When: Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 9:45 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Where: Georgia Museum of Agriculture, Conference Room East, 1392 Whiddon Mill Road, Tifton, GA 31793

[Picture, Map, Public Notice]
Picture, Map, Public Notice

Georgia’s Regional Water Planning Councils They plan, projecting water use, water levels, groundwater, wastewater, population growth or decrease, etc. County Comprehensive Plans typically then include those plans by reference. Unlike Florida’s Water Management Districts, Georgia’s RWPCs have no staff, almost no funding, and no ability to tax nor issue permits. Continue reading

GA Suwannee-Satilla RWPC Meeting 2022-03-09

Water gaps and water quality: the Georgia Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council meets 10-15 AM to 2 PM, Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at Coastal Pines Technical College, 1701 Carswell Ave, Waycross, GA 31503. There is an online method of attendance, unfortunately via Microsoft Teams.

Unlike Florida’s Suwannee River Water Management District, SSRWPC has no paid staff, no budget to speak of, and no taxing, permitting, or fining ability. Its Council is all volunteers, assisted by a few staff from the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA-EPD) and sometimes a consultant or two.

[Region, Public Notice]
Region, Public Notice



Announcement Date: February 2, 2022


The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council

will hold a meeting at the following date, time and location:

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Registration: 10:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.

Meeting: 10:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.

Note: This Meeting may be attended In-Person (with Social Distancing Measures in place) or Virtually via the MS Teams Link with Call-In Information Provided Below

Coastal Pines Technical College
1701 Carswell Ave
Waycross, GA 31503

If you are planning to attend the meeting in-person please send your RSVP notice to woodsh@cdmsmith.com so we can ensure we do not exceed the venue capacity.

For Virtual Attendance use this link: Continue reading

Waste not, want not -John S. Quarterman, VDT 2019-07-14

Some of what I said:

Much of what Quarterman and the watershed coalition does is educate people who use the Floridan aquifer, he said.

It’s important to get people out on the water to show them the importance of the natural resource, but since most of the drinking water is more than 400 feet below them, it’s hard to make people appreciate the resource, he said.

“We want to be careful about using up the aquifer,” Quarterman said. “The water level goes down each year, and each year we have to dig deeper to get to the water.”

[VDT Front page, Sunday, July 14, 2019]
Front page, Sunday, July 14, 2019, Valdosta Daily Times
Some of you may recognize the picture, which shows the boom Sabal Trail put in the Withlacoochee River west of Valdosta after their pilot hole leaked drilling fluid up into the river.

Thomas Lynn, Valdosta Daily Times, 14 July 2019, Waste not, want not: Water preservation not a priority,

VALDOSTA — Water is a finite resource. Continue reading

Suwannee-Satilla RWPC meeting, Fitzgerald, GA 2017-06-05


Announcement Date: May 8, 2017


The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council is holding its next meeting for the
Review and Revision of the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Plan
at the following date, time, and location:

Monday, June 5, 2017
Registration: 10:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Meeting: 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Fitzgerald-Ben Hill
Chamber of Commerce
121 E. Pine Street
Fitzgerald, GA 31750

For additional information about the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council, please contact: Cliff Lewis, Georgia EPD Watershed Protection Branch, (229) 391-2410 or cliff.lewis@dnr.ga.gov

Here is the agenda: Continue reading

Suwannee-Satilla and GA coastal river water councils in Dublin, GA 2016-11-17

Next month, once again the upper Suwannee that drains into the Gulf gets pulled into a meeting with coastal Georgia Water Planning Councils. This is the meeting that got delayed by hurricane.

GA DNR, Bulletin, 18 October 2016,

Joint Regional Water Planning Council Meeting NEW DATE: November 17, 2016

Georgia Department of Natural Resources sent this bulletin at 10/18/2016 09:18 AM EDT



Announcement Date: October 18, 2016


A Joint Council Meeting will be held for the Altamaha, Coastal Georgia, Middle Ocmulgee, Savannah-Upper Ogeechee, Suwannee-Satilla and Upper Oconee Regional Water Planning Councils at the following date, time, and location:

Continue reading

Suwannee-Satilla and GA coastal river water councils in Dublin, GA 2016-10-06

Update 2016-10-07: Postponed due to Hurricane Matthew. New date not yet known.

Next week, once again the upper Suwannee that drains into the Gulf gets pulled into a meeting with coastal Georgia Water Planning Councils.

GA DNR, Bulletin, 27 September 2016, Statewide Water Plan – Joint Council Meeting #2 Agenda – October 6 / Dublin, GA,

Joint Council Meeting #2 — Eastern Councils
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Dubose Porter Center
Oconee Fall Line Technical College
560 Pinehill Road
Dublin, GA 31021

Agenda Continue reading

Joint Regional Water Planning Council Meeting, Dublin, GA 2016-06-23

Apparently we get dragged into a meeting of all regional councils with waters flowing into the Atlantic Joint because the Suwannee-Satilla RWPC includes much of the Satilla and St Marys Rivers, even though most of the SSRWPC territory is in our Upper Suwannee watershed. A tiny bit of our Little River Watershed is in Wilcox County, which is in the Altamaha RWPC.

Received from GA-DNR May 25th 2016, NOTICE:


Back in Douglas: Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Council 2015-08-31

According to GA-DNR, 17 August 2015,

The Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Council will meet on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 10:00am in the meeting room of Aniston’s Restaurant, located at 1404 W. Baker Highway, Douglas, GA. Registration begins at 9:30am. The Council will be hearing presentations on surface water supply and agricultural water-use forecasting. The Council will also be discussing items for consideration in the revision and update of the 2011 Regional Water Plan.

Here are the LAKE videos of their June meeting and here is the announcement for their July meeting; the LAKE videos for that last one will be available soon.
