Tag Archives: storm

Dust storm in Hamilton County, FL 2017-10-29

Pesticide dust blew across the road between the Withlacoochee and Suwannee Rivers just the other day:

Dust storm hiding power line pylons, On SW 69th Drive
Photo: WWALS member Chris Mericle, looking north from SW 69th Drive

Nearby resident and WWALS member Brit McClung says:

“A good portion the chemicals that are applied to that field wind up on my front porch, on me and in my lungs with the dirt.”

His land is just northeast and a church is southeast of Continue reading

Sabal Trail erosion and waterlogged, Brooks County, GA 2017-01-23

End of pipe in water, CR 146, towards Tallokas Road 30.9873162, -83.6535762 Is that pipe supposed to be wallowing in water? Is that end supposed to be in the water? What about the obvious erosion? Remember Sabal Trail is only burying its 36-inch pipe 36-inches deep most places. Erosion could expose it and make it even more likely to corrode.

WWALS video playlist and more pictures below. Continue reading

USGS Flood-Tracking Chart for Withlacoochee and Little River Basins

An interesting flyer pointed out by Emily Davenport, Storm Water Utilities Director, City of Valdosta. It has many useful contacts on the front, and tips on the back (don’t walk or drive through flood waters) but the most useful part is inside, where the flood-tracking chart is, in Flood-tracking chart for the Withlacoochee and Little River Basins in south-central Georgia and northern Florida, 2014, by Gotvald, Anthony J.; McCallum, Brian E.; Painter, Jaime A., USGS General Information Product: 155.

Here are the gages mentioned in the chart, with links to the live USGS FloodTracking pages, Continue reading